Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?
Audiophile does not have to = audio snob I have a wealthy friend that shops at the local "Tiffany" audio salon . He paid almost $60,000.00 for a "Class A " stereo from all the top brands. Yes his system is great but my system for about 25% of that is almost as good. I have put systems together for under two grand that are great musical systems that play at concert sound levels. It is difficult but simple Buy value not hype. It's tough to sort through all the magazine BS but there out there . For example the 70's Luxman receivers and seperates are so great and cheap. they compare to new suff costing 5 times as much . The Luxman 1120 is simply awesome ! Tandberg 2075 , 2080 both include phonos . How about Fisher tube receivers , H.H. Scott 299 int. amps are astonishingly good ! , The AR turntable for under $ 100.00 . I could go on for a long time . If you want a musical system for a song ask a knowledgable audiophile . Also buy the brands that are not as popular. Sonic frontiers makes the best gear , They are not the most popular at times. read learn and ask. When the Mark II comes out buy the mark I etc. REMEMBER ITS ABOUT THE MUSIC !
Dont forget that there is a point of diminishing (spelling error?) return. I have about 15K in my system, and I know that anything I add at this point will not make a huge difference. This hobby is more like a sickness.
mhubbard: can you explain, please, how you know with such apparent conviction, that "anything I add at this point will not make a huge difference"? i assume that you offer up this assertion after having tried every frontend, every power source, every preamp, every speaker, every stand, every wire and every other component or tweak available in the universe in your very own home. yeah, right. -cfb
I agree with what Kelly is saying up to a certain point. There are sometimes DRASTIC differences that one can run into by varying the combination of equipment within a system. Sometimes this has little to do with price although it TYPICALLY costs more to make a better product. Then again, sometimes you just run across a combo that defies logic and the cost constraints of "high end".

For those that do not follow a logical plan of attack, dumping tons of money into a system can seem quite frustrating and frivilous. A song by Motorhead comes to mind: "The Chase is Better Than The Catch". Shopping and comparing gear is fun, but it is MUCH more enjoyable when everything comes together as you'd like it to. This is true regardless of price. Sean