Bi-wiring speakers

What is bi-wiring and what are it's advantages. How can you bi-wire when you only have single pair of speaker terminals on amplifier.
How about this senerio. Lets take a speaker like the Aerial 10t that has seperate crossover boards and as stated in the manual is bi-ampable and bi-wireable. Out of the single pair of speaker outputs from the amp you connect 2 pair of speaker cable to the speaker. But use a larger guage cable to the low freq crossover because the large driver just loves the less resistive flow from the larger cable. But use a thinner cable for the high freq crossover because the mid and tweet just sound so much more lush and yields more detail to the sound using the higher quality thinner cable. Now i'm no scientist either but i do read and can sure hear. Any opinions.
There are many sites that will technically expalin bi-wiring
and the way their crossover design is different than single
wire crossover, and how that effects the sound......go to and search bi-wire design speakers.

The valid argument is do two sets of $500 speaker cables on biwire speaker sound better than a $1000 single set speaker
cables? Obviously some customers and some speaker designers
feel not, and I say that is a legit point of debate.

Mikec, I do hear improvement in sound with biwires I have tried, but it all goes back to my point above about what is most cost effective for owner.........if money is no object by all means biwire.
Thanks Megasam, i do own the 10t's and i do run seperate cable prs and do hear a noticeable improvement in sound. Maybe some day when i have another 4k to burn i'll add another amp but in the meantime don't touch my Bi-Wire please. It sounds good the way it is . Where are those copper straps anyway!!! -------------->
Sam i went to and searched for Bi-Wire and the very first link was an article from soundstage on bi-amping and bi-wiring and according to the soundstage writer. If your speakers are bi-ampable and bi-wirable (seperate x/o's) you will hear better sound using seperate cable prs (true bi-wire) and even better using 2 stereo amps (be careful to those who want to try this, best to use the same amps and recommend investigating first). For anyone who wants to read about bi-wiring take Megasams leed and go to and type Bi-Wire in the search box and read for yourself. I promise no more on bi-wiring from me, its water under the bridge.
The audible benefits or otherwise of bi-wiring are very dependent on the speaker and so it is easy for one person to experience a significant benefit and another to hear no difference. The key reason why a benefit can accrue from bi-wiring is simply due to the fact that bi-wiring a two-way speaker provides star-earthing at the amp, rather than at the cross-over. If the connection between the earth point on the cross-over and the amp has no resistance (impossible) then there is no benefit to bi-wiring. The size of the benefit depends on the potential (pardon the pun) for the current that is created by a slightly floating earth (when not bi-wiring) to cause audible interaction between the drivers. This depends on cross-over design and the impedence characteristics of the separate drivers. Double bi-wiring is not necessarily an improvement - it provides a different resistance and capacitance for the amp than single (or internal) bi-wiring and this may or may not be beneficial.