Coping in an Age of Uncertainty

there have been numerous threads here, i know, about sacd v. dvd-a, upsampling, oversampling, etc. a number of these threads have included discussions of which, if any, new digital format will replace what we now call “redbook” cd’s. i don’t wish to rehash these discussions. rather, i’d like to hear from others how they are coping with the “age of uncertainty” in the realm of digital audio. is it better to “roll the dice” and invest in sacd or dvd a? ignore the contenders for the new and get the best possible out of redbook cd’s? buy with upgradeability firmly in mind? follow another path? i don’t post this query out of mere curiosity. i really haven’t figured out what course i should follow. i’d appreciate your giving me a hand. -kelly
Those who sit back and wait are voting for cd sound forever in one form or mp3,dvd-a ect.I was watching The Eagles Hell Freezes Over last night and thinking to my self.This five channel for music sound is not acurate,and as far as the video for music thing,this is not a good thing and just takes up space that could be used for better sound.Video is great for movies,but i think most would agree has no place in audio.I do not beleive there will ever be any realistic sounding 5.1 channel music.So knowing this and hearing opinions on sacd quality being better than dvd-a by people who own both,i will never own a dvd-a player.So if you are to lazy for vinyl like me and want better than[cd sound forever]the choice is a simple one and this is why i bought the9000es sacd/dvd/cd player.Do you want music videos[dvd-a]The hassles of vinyl,the inferior sound of cd or mp3? or do you want the better than cd sound music lovers have been waiting for almost twenty years for[sacd] If you sit back and wait your voting,you obviously just do not realize it.The music industry is waiting on you to decide before they jump in with more mainstream releases.If you keep waiting you will get some form of inferior sound that is a given.So sit back if you want but if you do they will decide for you.
I have been watching these threads for a while and have decided to buy a 9000es. It's worth the money as a dvd player so it's no loss if the format dies. Sony has shown it's serious about sacd with the introduction of the new less expensive players. If a few thousand titles are released in the next two years, and more are released as backwards compatable in the next year, I think sacd will become the format of choice.
Hey Cornfedboy,
I've been following many of your responses to various threads and it appears to me that you've got one hell of a system. It's reassuring to know that you, too, are having difficulty deciding what future digital format to chase after. I have a pretty decent system and I keep questioning how can I get the most bang for the buck. I'm sure that I can some improvement by upgrading my Wadia 850. I've not heard SACD or DVD-A, but based on what has been written, either format should offer more than what we already have. What I'll probably do is buy as inexpensive a player as I can, buy a few outstanding discs, and if I feel that there's enough difference to warrant further investment, then I'll proceed with caution. A couple of years isn't really too long to get a pretty good idea what format will ultimately win out. Maybe we all should get together as a group and take a shot at one format or the other. Maybe one of the manufacturers could offer a real deal on a player to the members of Audiogon and help us along. If you look at the state of the cellular phone wars today, who in their right mind would pay a lot for a phone. The service is where all the money is, they'll give you the damn phone just to sell you their minutes. Just dreaming I guess!!
What I decided to do? Get the most out of my still growing CD collection. First, hundreds of CDs are out of catalog and most likely will not be reissued, whatever the new format. Second, till now 99.99% of new music (being Jazz, Classical, Rock,...) are issued on CDs. Third, the CD has arroved at maturity with better recording, better digital transfer, and better CD Player. One experience you should try: get a Linn Ikemi home for a will not be able to live with your current CD player. When will I go "New Format" (I think DVD and SACD are just a transitory stage that will not last before the next more promising non-technical digital: everything will be on high-speed memory chips and we will save transport part of current players)? When the catalog of this new format will be substantial and when 99% of new releases will be in that new format. I think the new war between SACD and DVD will leave many victims, SACD AND DVD among them. So thank you and see you in 5 years!
I've watched this development with interest as well. The initial CD players were beyond horrible and took many years of refinement and hard work for the better audio manufacturers (re. niche) to make them listenable. Still not analog, but tolerable. The inital CDP's were Philips and Sony, the two culprits behind the Red Book spec. Read through the spec, it was outdated on it's intitial release. To go buy a SACD or DVD-A player at a high price now from the mass-market guys may leave you wondering why you spent the cash today, when over the next few years some truly high quality players will emerge and justify the price. Having spent $1000 on a first-generation CDP to play both CD's available on the market at the time, I consider patience a necessary virtue today. In the meantime, cue up some good vinyl and enjoy watching the format wars! Jeff