How do people dust their systems?

cloth or feather duster? does anyone worry about static?
Gregg...much appreciated. and if the wife defers then give me a call and maybe we can work something out. ...for a price, of course. the only question is who pays whom?
Can of air for the turntable any body? I broke a stylus on a stray string on the dusting rag, hence the suggestion came up. Anybody use Pledge for Electronics? Shine it up a bit when dusting with non-thready rag( old underwear, t-shirt, white sock,etc). Did not find wife dusting system a viable option.She said she wouldn't chance getting blamed if something went wrong later, but I think she had a resentment. Finally, I put my HEPA equipped air purifier in the room cause it really does cut down on the dust, and thus helps my allergies which helps my hearing. Always try a good decongestant before upgrading, it might save money. Briefly, anyway. For all single dads, as myself, dust with the Pledge every 2 weeks and use the duster in between( $7-True-Value fake feathers)
try Endust for Electronics. Has anti-stat properties so it's good for video monitors too. Does everything that Nordost ECO3 does, except it doesn't cost $40 a can