
Has anyone else been having problems with receiving their subscription from Stereophile? 2 out of the last 3 months mine has not arrived, thus, forcing me to either wait for a month and have them send me another one or buy it at a news stand and receive credit.

It use to be that at least 1 time a year I would miss an issue. However, lately it more like 3 times a year. All of the other publications I receive are on time, which would include other desirable audio rags. Stereophile seems to think it is a mail delivery problem but I doubt it.

To there credit they have always complemented me with 2-3 issues for each one I purchased. Although, due to the increased inconsistancies I'm getting a little frustrated. Therefore, I'm trying to see if others are experiencing the same problems.

Thanks for your feedback!
wierd, but the last 2 issues i got had the pages printed on only one side. plus, the mag's name was changed to "monophile." thought this was just another manifestation of constantly changing publishers. maybe not, eh? --kelly
Cornfed, at least you did not get a copy of "point source" it is a totally blank sheet of paper with a small dot in the center. The dot cannot be decoded, it is just what it looks like, a period from a periodical.
You guys are TOO much : )

I've been getting my issues in better shape and earlier than i ever have. It almost seems like the folks that used to get them beaten up and late are now getting them in good shape and early & vice-versa. While i think this is great, i can understand why others would now be upset. Sean
I have EXACTLY the same problems!!! After calling I got the missing issue(s) delivered later.
Interesting was that after calling the next couple of issues were MORE THAN ON TIME!!! Funny, eh?
I tend to think it's because I am in Germany, but all the other subscriptions of American magazines like New Yorker, TAS, HAWAII and others are on time - always.
During my periods of subscribing, Stereophile has not been the type of publication to set your calendar by. Doesn't seem that it will happen in the future either. Sometimes it comes early, sometimes late. Sometimes really late. Once or twice, it didn't come at all. Believe it or not, I once called about a late issue, and found out there was no record of me as a subscriber. Thank God the records of my "subscription" turned up "somewhere else". My only recent complaint is that my March issue arrived so beat up that it was in worse condition than most of the magazines I have from the 1960's. On the plus side, I have about 6 more months of subscription because of me calling when I do have a problem. I incorrectly figured that one of the positives of Petersen's stewardship was better magazine delivery.