
Has anyone else been having problems with receiving their subscription from Stereophile? 2 out of the last 3 months mine has not arrived, thus, forcing me to either wait for a month and have them send me another one or buy it at a news stand and receive credit.

It use to be that at least 1 time a year I would miss an issue. However, lately it more like 3 times a year. All of the other publications I receive are on time, which would include other desirable audio rags. Stereophile seems to think it is a mail delivery problem but I doubt it.

To there credit they have always complemented me with 2-3 issues for each one I purchased. Although, due to the increased inconsistancies I'm getting a little frustrated. Therefore, I'm trying to see if others are experiencing the same problems.

Thanks for your feedback!
Theduke call them again, and explain the circumstances(make sure they understand). You should be able to get three extra months from them. Push a little if they don't offer it. From what I remember, March was a lousy issue anyway. Is it me, or does the month before(March/September) the "Recommended Components" issue always leave a lot to be desired?
Lately, all of their months leave a lot...... It seems as though the publisher has slimmed down the content in order to maximize profits. This would include both the individual review as well as the number of reviews. It like Stereophile is on a diet or may be it is just "Stereophile Lite". What use to take me days to read is now about 2-3 hour, if that.
I've been a Sterophile subscriber since 1994 and have endured numerous problems (though some of them are Canadian oriented). Yes, Customer Service has always attempted to put things right, and they mostly succeed....but the DAMAGE IS ALREADY DONE! Lately, the magazine is just not worth it, I have concluded, and will now spend my money on ULTIMATE AUDIO!
P.S. UHF Magazine out of Montreal is the only honest & real high-end journal out there!.
Oh, yeah, when I was subscribed I would be missing an average of a couple of issues per year. Cust service was always friendly and helpful in extending the sub. But now that the Borg publisher has taken over and IMHO only three fun/useful writers, JA, MF and J-10 remain I have let it expire.
Stereophile has been sold and should start showing renewed color soon. Or, at least we hope it will. Also, I hear that J.Gordon Holt is now with Absolute Sound.