New Listener Mag Tweak Issue

Latest issue, july/aug reviews many tweaks that members here have been recommending for years now including

Symposium rollerblocks
Symposium platforms/shelf
Aurios MIB
Nueance shelf
Walker HDL (high definition links)
Shun Mook Mpingo disc
Nordost Pulsar points

Like to hear members reactions to reviewers findings. No surprise that rollerblocks and MIBs produced more detail under CDP, they recommend double stack tungsten rollerblock
set-up, but this is $700 of tweak per unit! I like the fact
that one reviewer did not always think enhanced detail retreval was an improvement, and maybe less musical. BTW they should have used the drop of teflon oil tweak for rollerblocks, does help.

If you want an idea of what doublestack rollerblocks sound like at 1/7 the cost try a set of daruma II for $99, check the tweak section there is a member Doug Kerns who is selling them and he does fast turnaround. Gives about 75%
the improvement for fraction of cost.

Redkiwi fav the Nueance shelf was well received and one of the more sanely priced tweaks. Things become more confusing when they combine shelfs and bearing isolation together.

I would really like some member here to confirm that 2" $50 wood disc placed on gear/speakers makes noticeable improvement in sound, refering to Shun Mook Mpingo disc.
The reviewer was just too positive about these, I have hard time believing this, any members tried these?

Comments please.
I heard the Mpingo wood discs at the CES in the Shun Mook room. Removing and replacing them while I stood there was the only way I could convince myself that I was not imagining things. I can say that in that room the effect was positive. I cannot know if there was a ( better? ) alternate way to arrive at the same overall sound without that wooden disc.

I use the Walker HDL on my Soundlab speakers, and of all the tweaks mentioned above, it is the only one that is 100% positive to all that hear the test. I do not know of another way to get the same performance results. Removing them is not an option after living with them.
I have a set of three of these Shun Mook Mpingo discs. Even with one disc used over my PS Audio transport, it make a whole lot of different. You can turn it clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the brightness of the music. The trick is to place the disc at the "proper" position.

It can be used on many equipment, including power cord! But again, as with many tweak topics discussed in this Forum before, it all depand on the capability of your system and I am sure a lot of people will say they can't hear any differences.

Happy listening.
I have a set of Shun Mook discs. they are places atop my preamp and work like a charm. Will highly recommend