Bearing Isolation "Arms Race" Begins

Well has new review of Aurios new products: the Aurios 1.2, the Aurios Pro, and the optional tungsten balls(which everyone will get that upgrades since it is "only" another $50 for set of three balls).

The good news, according to author, is sound has improved over original Aurios MIB and set-up is now somewhat easier as bearings self center easier. The bad news is this improvement in sound will cost much more, set of three 1.2
version MIBs $399(+$50 for tungsten balls of course) and three Pro MIBs $599(+$50).

Author spends long time in general praising new MIBs and how they improve sound in general, but he did not go into detail how they sound used with any given component, wish he would have talked about his results when used under speakers. His idea of just using some MIBs to float entire rack is interesting, wish he would have gone into more detail here. I have a feeling we will be seeing a few sets of original MIBs go up for sale here, as upgrade fever takes hold.

Anyone using any of the new Aurious products and care to share your experience? RedKiwi should soon be giving us
his impressions of Aurios.
Please post a direct link to the review not just to I looked everywhere and cannot find the article. Thanks
Eric, sorry my mistake I meant, here is link

Must have spaced out there.
I've been using the Aurios Pro for about 2 months and it's been a very positive experience. I live in a wood frame house with suspended wood floors in an area where there are several nearby train lines. The Aurios are placed atop a 1/2" sheet of MDF on top of which I place a large Black Diamond Racing Source Shelf. A Target equipment stand is then placed upon the BDR. Individual components are further isolated by additional BDR or Vibrapod products. With this setup I've been able to employ the Aurios to isolate my integrated amp, digital processors, digital transport, turnatable and CDR. The musical effect is an increase in overall clarity and instrument separation. It takes less mental effort to distinguish between different insturments playing in unison. Notes also seem to stop and start a little quicker. I wouldn't call the impact dramatic, but it's definitely hearable and IMO, quite worthwhile.

The BDR Source shelf was the most expensive part ($1,100) of the setup. Substituting some other material (glass, acrylic, wood, MDF, granite, etc.) could substantially lower the overall cost of suspending a rack with the Aurios Pro.
Onhwy61 very good idea "floating" entire rack, did you see/read about this somewhere else? When floating rack
did you get by just using 3 Pro MIBs under BDR shelf and where you aware of the tungsten ball tweak?

I guess the question most budget minded audiophiles have is does floating the rack get you close to the amount of improvement of using Pro MIBs under every component in your rack? If you can acheive 75% of the gain by floating rack vs floating each component seperately many will opt for this route as the savings are quite substantial.....any insight here?

Did you try MIBs under speakers?
As soon as I saw this post, I thought about floating my rack. I have a Salamander Synergy rack that comes with six flat feet and there are no spikes available from Salamander. The current feet would fit perfectly onto the Aurios. It has got to be better than just having it on the wood floor. As soon as I give it a try, I'll let post results.