Sellers that don't respond

What bothers you more than sellers that don't respond to
your e-mails in a timely fashion? Nothing! A first-time
seller has had 5 items listed for 14 days, and hasn't
responded to any of my e-mails. Why bother listing items
if you're going to ignore any interested parties? Oh well,
I guess that's a pretty good indication of what kind of service you'll get if you actually buy something from this
guy! For the most part, 'Gon sellers respond right away,
and I have yet to have a bad transaction. That's why we have feedback, right?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I have found that most people are courteous enough to email me a "Sorry, sold", but there are a number who don't reply at all. I agree with ''Asa" whose comments about table manners and culture are right on the money. Unfortunately, not everyone out there has the common courtesies and respect that others of us have. This should be no surprise; just look at the world around you everyday.

I have a habit of questioning the cosmetic condition of the piece, asking for a detailed examination and description of any scratches, nicks, etc. I find that sellers who are not particular with their equipment find that a turnoff, and sometimes don't even answer. Fine with me; I wouldn't want their equipment anyway. Many 'gon people are particular and treat their equipment with respect; it's refreshing to find that.
What about the boneheads who reply, but don't indicate what they're replying TO?

"Yes, it's still available". Or "my asking price is firm". These guys don't realize that you may have responded to 20 posts a day for the past 2 weeks, and you don't have a CLUE who he is by the time he gets around to replying.
Yep, that bothers me. Almost as much as potential buyers who e-mail an offer that you accept, and you never hear from them again. And almost as much as buyers who commit to a purchase and tell you the check is on the way, and then back out of the sale a week later...about the time the check that was never mailed, was supposed to arrive. I have found most of the people who do this are Audiogon "non-members", and consequently don't have feedback. When I get an offer from a "non-member" for something I'm selling, I am now very cautious.