Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
Lamb are you done? I was just wondering if people can get back to helping the man who started this thread, build your soap box then talk all you want, but this is another persons thread and I was trying to help, you are just running off at the mouth now...simma down
>>a QUALITY 2 channel setup is much better than 5 or more channels of mediocrity, ANY DAY!!<<

Right on. Also, just want to reiterate -- if you go to a 5 or 7 channel system for movies, most of the sound, a lot of the time, will be coming from your center channel. This means that, for a significant amount of time, you actually go from two channels to one. And the voices don't image in the center, they locate right from the center channel speaker -- no imaging. I find that disconcerting. I don't like having the sound rooted to a speaker, I like my speakers to disappear. With a good two channel system, you still get ambient sounds all around the room. What you will miss is when lazers shoot around the gallaxy, you won't get that "bullets whizzing around your head" effect. You'll miss out on a few minutes worth of action from a select group of movies and movies being what they are -- only a few of those will be worth watching.

I do recommend a sub-woofer, though. Many films use the sub-woofer enough and there's no other way to get what a sub-woofer does from two channels without a sub-woofer.

I am confident Saffy can listen to both sides of this discussion and will have more information from which to make his decision. His final decision will be stronger for having heard all sides.
RSbeck, good point, everyone can come here with opinions and argue whatever side of the fence they are on, but the poster will surely have alot more info , and in the end everyone is trying to help.
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I dont see to many people with your problem with center on top of your TV, how high is it all told? maybe if you toe it down a bit it might help, although I dont know how far back you are from it but even propping up the back of the center an inch or so may help, using the TV speakers at all has got to be a crime, unless you have some darn good speakers in yours, I find it rare that TV's have a speaker worthy of anything more than watching the local news, and the last 10 yrs out of the 4 TV's I have had I could probably count on one hand how many hours were used with the fatory TV speakers on, try and angle yours down just for kicks.