Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
I dont see to many people with your problem with center on top of your TV, how high is it all told? maybe if you toe it down a bit it might help, although I dont know how far back you are from it but even propping up the back of the center an inch or so may help, using the TV speakers at all has got to be a crime, unless you have some darn good speakers in yours, I find it rare that TV's have a speaker worthy of anything more than watching the local news, and the last 10 yrs out of the 4 TV's I have had I could probably count on one hand how many hours were used with the fatory TV speakers on, try and angle yours down just for kicks.
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Also yes alot of theaters have had,or still may have (I no longer go to movies) dialogue speakers behind the screen wich is why most HT units have a adjustment for this mostly called "Cinema EQ or Re-EQ" this was made for consumers to compensate for a "bright" image cast from the center on more of the older material when mixing for a home theater was not an issue. The image was brighter then needed to compensate for passing through the screen and in the process being "muffled" a bit.
I to have a SONY XBR, it most likely is near field related
I havent heard anyone having your problem yet, maybe you have a more educated ear then most..good luck though
TVAD, ever thought of trying the center directly under your Sony, say on a floor stand?