Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
"Finally, talk about hi-jacking a thread. Inviting the poster to stop listening to
everyone else and go to e-mail so he can listen only to one person's opinion
is pretty outlandish."

Saffy has not said a word so my offer of any "general" ideas will save me a lot of work (typing) on points I know nothing about "his needs/room/and any setup limitations"

Many people e-mail me as I'm sure they do you. These e-mails sometimes cover weeks of swapping info. back and forth because one can only offer general ideas...the more, the better IMO. My opinion and experiences are posted above so no need to e-mail me for those.

I don't recall saying that no gains are had after $5,000, I do recall saying that I was not going to pick a point (price) but that it was a good bit above $5,000.

"Some bad assumptions being made there."

No assumptions being made, you said:

"I, too, am a confirmed two channel guy"

Your info regarding rear channels is way off the mark? I find nothing wrong with you being a confirmed two channel guy...or anyone else.

My points were to say that a top quality two channel system will not sound better than a top quality surround system...dream on

Best complete HT system for $5000 used...?
Answer : The best stereo system for $5000 used you can find.
Rsbeck, get off your cloud, someone offering to help another on a 1 to 1 level is a great idea, do you have a problem because he isnt going to be talking to 10 people at once or because he isnt listening to you? You seem to think anyone who doesnt agree with you is beneath you
>>Many people e-mail me as I'm sure they do you.<<

Of course. Once a personal connection has been made and you get into
details that might not interest the general population, it is often better to
switch to e-mail.

>>No assumptions being made<<

You wrote --

"I'll guess that these are the ones you watched or you expect the rear
channels to stand out in the mix at all times?...this would be a poorly setup
system and is the main reason people get turned off on surround

All bad assumptions -- not to mention the huge reach that "this is the
main reason people get turned off on surround music." That's a bad
assumption on top of a leap worthy of Evil Knievel.

>>My points were to say that a top quality two channel system will not sound
better than a top quality surround system...dream on<<

ROFL. You remind me of an uncle who used to try to get everyone to eat their
mashed potatoes with ketchup. He'd sit there saying, "no way it tastes
better with gravy!"

Different strokes for different folks.

There are people who have had a top quality surround system, properly
calibrated -- waaaay above your nominal $5,000 level and have gone back to
two channel. So, what sounds good to you doesn't necessarily work for
others -- and vice versa. Saffy can listen to all sides -- without making some
silly assumptions -- and make his decision.

Besides, if you have a suggestion for a $5,000 (used) surround system, I'd be
interested in reading it -- and I'd bet others clicking this thread would also.

LOL, the smorgasboard of opinions were and are fine with me...I just thought I would correct YOUR silly post with a few facts.

"if you go to a 5 or 7 channel system for movies, most of the sound, a lot of the time, will be coming from your center channel. This means that, for a significant amount of time, you actually go from two channels to one. And the voices don't image in the center, they locate right from the center channel speaker -- no imaging. I find that disconcerting. I don't like having the sound rooted to a speaker, I like my speakers to disappear. With a good two channel system, you still get ambient sounds all around the room. What you will miss is when lazers shoot around the gallaxy, you won't get that "bullets whizzing around your head" effect. You'll miss out on a few minutes worth of action from a select group of movies and movies being what they are -- only a few of those will be worth watching."


"I found that very few films even use
rear surrounds and the ones that do -- Star Wars, Twister, etc -- aren't the
type I typically watch. And even those only use the full surround for part of
the film. Twister, for example, has a five minute surround sequence at the
beginning of the film and then never really uses surround again. But, this
brings up another point. You find yourself watching parts of crummy movies
over and over because they utilize surround and you want to use your
surround system. So, you end up watching the pod race sequence from Star
Wars or the beginning of Twister every time your friends or relatives come
over until you're sick of it"

even more silly.

"I set up an ultimate two channel music and
multi-channel HT in one system."

I took your advice and clicked on your system, ultimate?
