Hi guys
I have my first tube preamp in my room and was wondering what tubes (crucial area only) and caps you have tried...also where you got them from..
I have been in touch with Chris Johnson of Parts Express on his super duper upgrade as he is a hour away from work but im in Canada and he wants to charge $60/hr and taxes in USD... Not gonna fly in my house.. besides I have my own tech.
He uses V caps ($$$$) but was curious about Mundorf maybe or????
Also what tubes you found that were smooth..
Not sure all the sources for these items.
I use Mark levinson ml series amps with my awesome ATC super mids and SS 7100 tweeter and have a fully recapped KRELL FPB 600 running all my lows..
Any experiences and help appreciated. ...
BRF....I hear you but I have faith
JSBAIL..No CJ is just a guy at that..not a full fledged tech...he has people do his work
FLEMKE.. $150/hr..never in a million yrs..sorry bud but good luck
ZD542...NO OFFENSE but my original question was ""What tubes & caps have been tried""... I just stated that I am not using CJ and you insist otherwise..
Anyway. .
Give your money to the government if you want but not me bud..
MY TECH is amazing fellas and a line 3 is quite simple in comparison to rebuilding 2 Yamaha B1 v fet amps..a yamaha C1 preamp ...a krell fpb 600 etc.
So he is quite knowledgeable and a actual tech NOT a marketer

VAC signature=$13-$14, 000 Canadian
No thanks.. once kevins gone same cinario

I was wondering about tubes and caps fellas...cmon
Just put in whatever, it will still be Sonic Frontier, so it doesn't really matter.
I don't understand why you would buy a cheaper product that sounds bad, spend more money on it and hope that will fix the problem.
The problem is his experience is with a half functional unit. Who knows, he might like it if 100%