Audio Mirror 45 thoughts?

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to provide a mini review of their Audio Mirror 45's. Reliability? Power tube life? Most importantly, SQ. I am interested in pairing these with a pair of Reference 3a De Capo's.

Interesting amps but not a lot on the web about them. Thanks in advance for any help.
Meant to also say I listen to variety of music: jazz, blues, rock, opera, classical, vocals, etc. (all but rap). And all sound great with the AMs.
You're welcome. I just checked to see how long I've actually owned the AMs ... FIVE years, not "a couple". Ugh! At my age, everything seems like it was just "a couple" of years ago.
I pulled the trigger on a used pair with auto-bias. They arrived this morning. Initial impressions are QUITE positive. I'll provide a more detailed report tomorrow after I spend time with them tonight.