Is EAD still relevant

I have an Ovation, and just curious about opinions on whether or not they are still considered a quality component and worthy of upgrade or just start new? I am looking at Marantz reference.
Absolutely yes. I have been running a modified Sig 8 prepro for years. The sound quality cannot be beat at three times the price. I put up with a somewhat clunky interface, but that's just because Im too lazy to get out the manual and deal with it. I have an EAD PM 2000 amp which puts out 400 wpc into 5 channels and has been running like a champ for years. It crapped out a couple of years ago but I sent it to Greg Palma at Noble electronics and they had it up and running and shipped back to me in a week, and then apologized for being too slow. I can just email or call them and get any and all questions asked.
Try that with these "relevant" new companies!
I have an EAD Ultradisc 2000 in one of my systems and I am quite enamored with it. In fact, I spent a considerable amount of time comparing it to a Sony SACD that was given an A+ rating by Stereophile Magazine at the time. The Sony unit was good, but not the equal of the Ultradisc. I have talked to Greg (as well) and he thinks he can make it even better. If the thing ever breaks down, I'll no doubt give him the opportunity. Till then, I'll continue to enjoy it on a daily basis.
I have a EAD DSP7000 Mk3 and while it is still a good DAC, it probably is easily outdone by some of the current DSD DAC's on the market. Some of which are not terribly pricey.
I'm going to be looking into some of these DAC's in the near future and will do some shoot outs ( with the EAD). I don't have a lot of expectation for the good old EAD.