Seems like the best "upgrade" for tube amps.... to leave the amps on for a few hours before playing. I've noticed recently that when I turn on my Joule amps and let them run for hours, it makes a huge difference in the dynamics and high end sweetness. It gets hot in our house, but it's worth it. Is there a technical reason for this?
I have noticed the same thing with my tube amps, both my flea-powered 46 SE amps and my 50W PP amps. After 2 hours or so, I can hear greater detail and the soundstage has more of a see-through transparency. It's not a night-and-day kind of thing, but the music consistently sounds better a couple hours into a listening session.

I don't know any technical reason for this but it may have something to do with the heating of the transformer cores. A year or two ago I replaced the power transformers in my 46 amps with tranformers rated for higher current, and I notice the "warm up" differences much more now than I did with the old transformers.
Any real good system needs to warm up for an hour or two before sounding best. I deal with it by playing digital...then I switch to analog.
Are you saying let em warm without playing any music helps your tubes sound better or???
"12-16-14: Jriggy
Are you saying let em warm without playing any music helps your tubes sound better or???"

All components need to be warmed up for best SQ, not just tubes. Also, it doesn't matter if you play music, or not. Just as long as the components get warm.