Seems like the best "upgrade" for tube amps.... to leave the amps on for a few hours before playing. I've noticed recently that when I turn on my Joule amps and let them run for hours, it makes a huge difference in the dynamics and high end sweetness. It gets hot in our house, but it's worth it. Is there a technical reason for this?
Frank is a wonderful designer and like many skilled designers they simply don't have the desire or curiosity to try and experiment with "boutique" parts assuming they are a rip off sold to unsuspecting novices like me:)

I have owned one of his amps and heard his latest top model. Very good sounding for sure. He knows his stuff and I just wish he was more open minded to learn and give due diligence to "boutique" parts.

I have heard the same distain for upgraded parts, wire, tweaks etc.. from other very gifted designers. I suppose it is hard for them to find the time or passion to fully dive Into this world. I understand. So much to learn and experiment with and it is so hard to be expert in all things.

Schubert, yes your comment was understood and my comments are not all all intended to poke at you. I would also be dubious of that statement and may still be :)
The human brains goal is to provide a stasis, both psychical and mental.
If you make a design at first to keep costs at a minimum, you will not only believe that is the correct course, but if you are highly invested in that belief the brain will not let you hear any difference. Not saying Frank or anyone did this.

The main reason not to lie is soon you will believe you own lies.
Interesting thought and one that causes me to reflect on my own beliefs and biases on all things audio. Thanks much.
Not original to me, just my words.
Brain research has exploded in last few years.
It is possible that Frank feels that there is no substitute
for good engineering, even expensive parts. Case in point I
purchased a cheap chinese preamp, called Modwright to have it
upgraded. He asked me what would you have me do to it if your
not happy with the sound in general, I did read between the
lines at that juncture and let it go. But there are good
products out there that do benefit from upgrades.