ARC Galileo GSPre vs ARC Reference 5 SE ? ....

Has anyone compared these preamps? Which would you choose and why?
Joe ... try twice as much. FYI: Uncle Kevin charges about $50 per KT-120; ARC about $100 per KT-120.

Joe ... I am not paranoid; nor suggesting there is a KT-150 conspiracy. I am (was) an ARC fan. All of my electronics are ARC.

What I am crabbing about is ARC's reluctance to simply say what it apparently knows: the KT-150 will not damage or prematurely age the current Ref amps. If that is true, then they should just say it.

Look, if I choose to wait for ARC to make KT-150s available for my Ref 150 at the price of $200 per tube ... then that's my decision. And, if I choose to go to Uncle Kevin NOW and pay $100 per KT-150 ... well that's my choice too, even if it means the tube may arc and take out a bias resister.

If I sound pissed ... it's because I am. There is a lot of smoke out there that says the KT-150 will *NOT* damage my amp. For goodness sake ... the company should just say it.

Look ... I'm done crabbing. My amp is ready for a re-tube. I'm a big boy. I'll make a decision and live with it.
I understand. The dust will eventually settle. I am sure you will get better performance for just the cost of the tube upgrade. I am sure ARC will publicly bless the amps. I am sure they are just being conservative.

My Conrad Johnson ART monos cost almost $2K to retube from CJ with KT-120's. My CJ ARTsa stereo amp costs about $1K for a retube. Cut those prices in half from other vendors. I was told flat out no for KT-150's in my amps and I don't know anyone who is using or willing to try KT-150's in these amps, unlike many users using KT-150's in ARC amps.

Just have fun!
Look at the 2 recent leveraged buyouts at ARC and you might conclude, as I have, that the GS 150 was aimed at the Asian market as higher ups at ARC have told me because it is an even bigger and potentially more profitable market than the US.
However,the Asian market has generally not been taken with the current ARC design as they have, for example with McIntosh. That market likes Bling or "authentic" American design (see Chuck Taylor Converse, etc). So ARC restyles the Ref 150 circuit for a more "authentic, retro/chic"-meter dominant look to hopefully capture that market. But how can you ask for primo $ just for newer (retro/chic?) looks without being able to state that more money also gets you better sound?. Well-- you put in KT 150s in what is basically a Ref 150 circuit to make it sound better.
But hold on--- if ARC says publicly that KT 150s can be placed in Ref 150s and have the same sound, they have just undermined the rollout. So--sotto voce--we in the U.S. are told unofficially that it can be done.
End of story.

Thank you for that. Makes perfect sense.

BTW, I love the "sotto voce" comment. :)
This thread has really taken off in terms of info exchanged.
I say, if the KT 150 fits into the Ref 150- go for it.
Otherwise, has anyone auditioned the GS150/GSPre? Did any of you guys see them at CES 2015? Happy Listening!