Floored by the Sound Quality of TEO Liquid Pre

I recently reviewed the TEO Audio Liquid Pre and now own it. So, as a happy user I would encourage the community to read my review at Dagogo.com.

I have rapidly come to the tentative conclusion that the liquid conductor is holistically superior to TVC technology. I will continue to assess this conclusion going forward, but at this time I have the sense that the liquid cable is of a similar caliber as the ESS Sabre chips I wrote about years ago - a product which is capable of causing a sea change in manufacturing of audio equipment. I envisioned the ESS chips and accompanying architecture as the future of digital playback, and they have become so. I get the same sense with the liquid conductor technology. It's way too good to not move to the forefront.

I did not switch to a passive until I had a means of remotely controlling the volume, and that came along when I switched to file playback. Both have been wonderful moves, terrific steps in building better sounding rigs. I strongly encourage people who are at a junction, who are sitting on the fence in regards to file playback to push onward, and to procure a passive preamp for demo. I think you will be astonished at the level of improvement available to you. I suggest you do not make your audio experience all about tweaks, but rather focus on the signal path and get yourself some serious gains in performance. I don't recommend junk products or insipid improvements. File playback with passive preamp is the ticket to a new vista of digital listening. :)

A factor which must be taken into consideration is the output of the amp relative to the speaker's efficiency. I advise you discuss this with prospective amplification sellers. Since a passive does not add gain, you must have an amp/speaker pairing which the speaker can be easily driven by the amp to sufficient listening levels.

The Liquid Pre is reference quality fit for elite systems. TEO deserves a lot of eyeballs on this product, and I'm happy to direct yours there.
4orreal, you may wish to contact TEO to see if they might fabricate an XLR cable for you. I make no assurances of this, but it doesn't hurt to talk to them about it.
I wasn't asking for for Teo XLR cable. Do you have the email for TEO since I could not find one on their website?
4orreal, my apologies for a tardy response; the email is on the TEO site, but not intuitively. It's at the bottom of the "About" page, at the end of discussion about recycling. :O

I recently swapped into my system the Teo Audio Liquid Pre passive line stage in place of my active tube preamp. Tho I am still tweaking the system, the system is definitely of a different sonic character. The connectivity is a 1M run of GC II between my Oppo DVD player and the Liquid Pre, and a 2M run of GC Ultra from the Liquid Pre to my powered ATC monitors (fitted with Cardas CLEAR adaptors). So the system is fully Teo Audio liquid metal fluid conductor from source to transducer.

I can discern a dramatic change in the acoustic envelope than found with my system configured with an active tube preamp. The music seems even more relaxed in character; the music just flows with greater ease than before. Paradoxically, the bass music seems better defined. And that incredible tonality expressed from the liquid cables seems even more evident with the Pre in the signal path. On one recording, I’m hearing from more defined triangles, with their tonality being better resolved than before.

And I have not yet dialed in the unit’s optimal isolation parameters as of now. So more to report. But it’s clear to me that this conductor tech is a paradigm changer.