I kid you not, the best synergy between my original Klipsch Heresies and amp, was to use a McIntosh amp. This is not my opinion alone. The combination has been extoled for decades and my experience was no different. If you insist on using a tube amp (most of my gear is tube) I would opt for an older Conrad Johnson unit most importantly the use of a CJ tubed Preamp, if and only if you can't get a McIntosh amp. I know I have owned Klipsch Heresy speakers for nearly 40 years. Not all of those years were happy ones. Nonetheless I went on to buy LaScalas amongst many other non Klipsch speakers. Even now I still own both pairs of my Klipsch speakers after forced downsizing.
Really try a McIntosh amp with you Klipsch, even an old inexpensive one (relatively) will work, my 2505 did.
Really try a McIntosh amp with you Klipsch, even an old inexpensive one (relatively) will work, my 2505 did.