Help need an amp for Infinity Sigmas

Before I decide on an amp for my Sigma speakers, I would like to know from all you audiophiles out there, what would you recommend? I thought about purchasing an ML No. 335.
Would a 336 be a better choice; or even another brand?
I'm presently using a No. 27.5, which is obviously too weak. I'm also using a No. 380S, 30.5 and 31.5. I have
a Bryston 10B active crossover to experiment with.
(max. wattage for speakers is 500 according to specs.
in the future, I'd like to step up to Genesis speakers.)
Thanks for your help
If you are not in a hurry to get the amp, I would urge you to wait a couple of months for the PS Audio Power Frame ( Paul, head of PS Audio used to work with Arnie of Infinity and Genesis fame and worked on the Stealth amp that drove one of the larger Genesis models' bass section.
I have a pair of Ren 90's which are very similar in design to your speakers. I drive them with a Threshold s 500 II to very satisfying results. I did though fry one of the Watkins woofers New Years Eve but I attribute this more to using poor MP3's as some of the source material. The Threshold drove the speakers to almost live levels in my 22'x33' x 19' living room. No damage to the Emits or Emims thankfully.
When you say to weak I asume you mean the mid and high tweeter section.
The IRS Sigma is slightly different hence it was developed after Arnie left Infinity.As far as I know Arnie does all development with tube amps so I would suggest you try first a tube preamp and one of your power amps and see how it sounds.