Hegel H300

Anyone familiar with this integrated amp or had a chance to hear it at the RMAF this year?

I would be very interested in any comments.

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Hi there

just in case this can helpfull...

Just got one 2 weeks ago.

I previously and recently had a pair of Audiolab 8200MB (sold) paired with a Hegel HD20 as preamp and DAC (currently selling). This kit was awesome.

My speakers are Opera Grand Mezza modified with Seas Excel drivers and Scan Speak tweeter, speakers cables are Cardas Golden Five.

Compared to my previous kit, the sound have a kind of similar signature than H20, that was very nice, but with more precision, sound stage is more clear and real, and bass is near similar but more accurate, a bit less spectacular overall but very more precise and musical.

Only 2 weeks, maybe another 2 weeks will give differents results...after burn in.

Even the Audiolab had 250w, the 250w of the Hegel H300 look more to have a 25% more power at same level.

Definitely I am very pleased with this integrated. Very very pleased.
Curious how the Hegel H300 and the Musical Fidelity M6500i going head to head, as to which one would be the better performer? Anyone have an opinion comparing the two?
There's a review of the H300 that directly compares it against the M6 500i at goodsound.com.
Donjr..I read Hans Wetzel's reviews of the H300 and the M6 500i. No clear winner. The Hegel is more neutral and forward, and the MF is warmer and more laid back. Hans did have a problem with the remote control with the M6-500i when adjusting the volume. I previously owned the Musical Fidelity A308 Preamp back in 2004 and had the same problem. The remote would only work in a straight line in front of the Pre and would not work when sitting to the left or right. The remote for the MF M6-500i looks like a very cheap piece of plastic junk that comes with a home theater in a box system at Kmart. You would think after all these years later that Musical Fidelity would apply a little more class and provide a remote with much better build quality. Its just not a concern with them.
I'd love to hear the Hegel. My dealer tells me he's going to have one for me to addition soon. He just got in the Ayre AX5 today and texted me a picture. There's a pretty decent price gap between the Hegel and the Ayre. I have this funny feeling I would like the Hegel better with my Harbeth C7es3's than I would with the Ayre. I tried the AX7e and it just didn't have the guts to get my speakers moving. The new AX5 is 125 watts but that's just a number. I want current.

I've never heard a MF. I'm surprised they don't give you the option to buy a upscale remote with their flagship integrated.