anyone listen to the new Ayre V5 or V6

After listing to the new superamp Ayre v1x (the best i have heard) i bougth the Arye V6 (wich i 3 V5 in the same box) six channel without listing first(not i stock here in Scandinavia) I will use it for triamping Audio Artistry and hope its almost as god as V1X. Any opinions on V5 or V6? Anyone agrees that the v1x is on of the best amps around?
It is too bad that you had two failures but it sounds like Ayre has been taking care of you. Ayre has a great reputation for customer service and it appears that this is another example.
I am really enjoying my v5xe purchased this last July. Much less grain and much more musical than the Krell 302 which I have sold, not that the Krell did not have a lot of dynamic range and a great sound. I have heard the MXRs and they are fantastic, more dynamic range and extension. However, I agree with my dealer that the V5xe has a very desirable warmth that we do not hear as much of with the mono mxrs.
"I have heard the MXRs and they are fantastic, more dynamic range and extension. However, I agree with my dealer that the V5xe has a very desirable warmth that we do not hear as much of with the mono mxrs."