Hegel H300

Anyone familiar with this integrated amp or had a chance to hear it at the RMAF this year?

I would be very interested in any comments.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbanyon100
not once did you mention listening to either Integ Amp.
Your basis appeaars to be based on specs, has anyone mano mano these superior products
Audiozen, I have no dog in this fight other than that I own a Hegel H300 but I have to ask, do you work for Coda or something? Your posts seem overly bias towards Coda. As I have not heard the Coda side by side with the Hegel I can't comment but I do find your build quality comments pretty funny as the H300 is a very well built, excellent sounding unit. In the time I have it, it has performed flawlessly.
Hello there, the equipment I have right now is oppo 105 connected to my vintage Technics Su- G95 integrated amp/receiver,speakers I have Technics SB-A55,also I have HSU-VTF 15H Sub.i have researched a lot and finally reached to buy a integrated amp one of the following, Hegel H300 or Music Fidelity m6500i and Modwright KWI 200.so what amp should I buy,will really appreciate suggestions.will be waiting for some advises.
Everyone still loving their H300s? I'll be placing an order for one tomorrow. I'm trusting that all the praise here is warranted because I've never even seen one in person. But I do know that Hegel does a lot of their research and development with my speakers, the Amphion Argon7Ls so I know there must be some synergy. What are you all using for front ends? I think I'm going to get a NAD M50. Anyone running a laptop into the H300 with USB and having great results?