Hegel H300

Anyone familiar with this integrated amp or had a chance to hear it at the RMAF this year?

I would be very interested in any comments.

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Hello folks, any further updates on the Hegel H300 after time and further run in?

Is this amplifier strictly neutral in tonality or does it swing into sweetness as suggested by the TAS review (referenced above)?

Is the amp a bit soft as in not as incisive as leading integrated amplifiers in the US$5k to 10k bracket?

How would the Hegel compare to the Ayre AcousticsÂ’ AX-5 or the Simaudio Moon Evolution 600i or the Jeff Rowland Continuum S2? Any opinions?

I just loaned Hegel H80 (rated 75 watts per channel at 8 ohms.)
Sound fantastic with my Quads ESL 63 loudspeakers, may be even better (at half price)than Luxman L-505ux integrated amp.I returned luxman to the dealer because of hum noise heard in stage headphone, something you can not expect in such good brand. I can't think how good my speakers will sound powered by H300(my local dealer do not stock H300). The dealer has a set up (H80) with Magneplanar 1.7 speakers. Impressive sound.You don't need Audio Research to drive them to excellent result.
I tried the Hegel H300 recently and think it may be the best amp I've heard in my system.
There is a better than 50% chance I will trade in my Modwright to get one.

But an interesting anomaly that I'm not quite sure what to think of.
Hegel's website, and every review I've seen, say the amp weighs 55 lbs.
When I picked it up I thought "there is no way this thing is 55lbs", so I put on the accurate shipping scale at work.
Just under 43 lbs.
Trivial perhaps, and it's the sound that matters, but it has me wondering about the accuracy of the specs on their website.
Is it possible that 55 lbs. is the shipping weight with the box and all packing?
I heard a H300 lately and IMO for all practical purposes hard to see how an amp could sound better.
No doubt that's the ship weight.