Can you help or do I have to get divorced?

Size and Placement does matter do to a misunderstood wife. I can't have speakers on stands, I can't have floorstanding speakers, and in-wall speakers are too permanent. What in the hell am I suppost to do? My room is 17' X 14' and I'm looking for speakers that will be used for music listening and eventually home theater listening. (when I can afford to complete the system). I want to find a good pair of speakers and amp that I can eventually build a good home theater system with. I need to stay below $1,000 for speakers. Any advice?
I had to send off to Australia to find an audiophile wife. I think one of these guys got the last American one. I insisted on the prenup just in case.

Seriously though, if you can find a pair of Paradigm Studio 20's via Audiogon or Ebay, they are a fantastic bang for the buck. Expect a used cost of approximately $350-450 depending upon wether they are version 1 or 2.
Hey, this exact same thing happened to me.

....let me tell you the story.

I thought I was pretty savvy, when I asked her to marry me I made her vow that I got to keep the audio hobby and I get to keep buying equipment, she was of course so happy she said "yes" and did so with a big smile on her face.

When she made me sell my house and buy a bigger one for "us" she promised that I could have my own audio room, again no problem we both were happy about the deal.

But there was no spendng money on audio stuff, I actually got yelled at for joinng BMG for those 7 "free" CDs.

When she got a big entertainment center for the family room I wanted audio and so she gave me dimensions for the acceptable sized speakers. Oh yeah! A little lookng and Sonus Faber Concertina's fit easily in the dimensions so I got them. They looked big, so she recanted. But I pulled out the tape measure. She admitted they were in the size limt and next bought stuff to hide them- plants and clocks etc....... all appeared good....

....time passes...

Then she kept getting mad when I go into the dedicated room no more than 1 time per week to listen to music as I am "avoiding" her. I cannot listen to a full CD when she comes in and starts complaining about why I'm not hanging out with her. She also gets mad when we both watch TV and I try to speak, as it does not allow her to follow the plot of the reality TV junk on the screen; also when a movie is playing and you want actual surround sound with LFE. "its too loud." I am trying to be nice so let it go. Eventually...

...divorce in progress.

You seem like a nice guy, but make your stand now and find out what you are in for.

Been there dude. Not fun.
Buy a nice set of head-phones.

If you insist on speakers you want to look at horns.

If you don't like horns you need something specifically designed for on-wall placement. Anything else will have an anoying lower midrange boost.
I had the same problem in my kitchen.
I ended up with B&W 302's on shelf brackets held on
with double-stick tape.Never fallen or been a problem.
I think any smaller front ported speaker should do fine.
Bigger speakers would just need bigger brackets.This way
of mounting is better than drilling holes in the rear of the speaker,as some bracketry calls for.By the way,I paired
the 302's with a Bryston B60 and a sony sacd player.My wife
loves the sound and is thrilled with the speakers off the floor.
NO point throwing model #s at you in thsi situation.

Make her a partner in this search. Look at and examine all the speakers together, you get to choose the sound, she the size and looks. There is bound to be something you both will agree on.