Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?

Some manufacturers have the financial means to plaster magazines with ads. For other, they are still at the word-of-mouth stage, and many will not get past this line.

I was wondering what less-than-well-known, or obscure speaker out there stand out as particularly gifted both in sonics and value ? Could be in any price category....
I have to agree on the GMA Europas, most musically enjoyable speaker I have owned. For $888 it the best value along with the Maggie MMG.

Here is some link for the Amazing DUEVELS. Enjoy!
I'll third or fourth VMPS. The first speakers that mated to my room (with the help of the controls on the back), and gorgeous ribbon midranges that don't suck up amp power. YMMV of course.

I'd love to hear DQ-10s, and Apogee Scintillas (or the Apogee original speaker) - just scared of dealing with the weight, unrepairability and current hunger of the latter.

I would have to say the best kept secret are the Seas' Thor's I just built, a MTM design. Ck it out on Madisound's web site. Need any help feel free to email me.