Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?

Some manufacturers have the financial means to plaster magazines with ads. For other, they are still at the word-of-mouth stage, and many will not get past this line.

I was wondering what less-than-well-known, or obscure speaker out there stand out as particularly gifted both in sonics and value ? Could be in any price category....
I don't think that this list would be complete without including the Ohm Walsh line. I just took delivery of a pair of Micro Walsh Talls and and they are "giant killers" at their $1000 price point. Huge, three-dimensional sound stage and full, articulate bass response to die for... and all in a tiny footprint. (If you have seen the Totem Arrow, these are almost identical in size.) Oh, and did I mention that they are coherent and articulate? :-) only sold direct from Ohm via their website. Really, more people should give these a try, particularly since you get a 120 day in-home trial. :-)
Salk Sound, Small internet based company which makes excellent built and sounding speakers.
For seasoned ears and those with exquisite taste -
Single Driver designs, horns build by small, dedicated and passionate companies which do what they love and love what they do. Same goes for other, awesome products - TT, carts, preamps, amps, DACs etc.
MBL for their unique radiator design that like no other speaker can match.

Magnepan for their exceptional price-performance and un-beatable tweeter and seamless integration. If correctly amplified, bass is not a problem. My 3.5 with 400W amp blast the drum like a big hammer - different from Wilson's high concentration impact though.

Tannoy for their phase coherence and great soundstage.

With those 3 I feel pretty good already.

If I have to add one more then I will add Stax Head Speaker which create a headstage and crystal clear sound.

I've tried many many and those are the one I keep.