QUAD 21L or 22L opinions please punch them in

Any opinions on these speakers? Anyone with experiences or even better owner of these speakers.
The 21L or 22L only please?
Thank you. Kind of info I am looking for is good and bad things if any, recommended associated equipment, type of sound (laid back or forward) brightness? deep bass? that kind of stuff. Thank you kindly

I own the 21Ls :)

I did not have the opportunity to audition the 22Ls at the time of purchase and they were also not within my budget at the time.

First off these speakers are not bright at all, what they are is very neutral and completely unforgiving. Some poorly recorded rock albums are now completely unlistenable on my system (modest as it is) because the Quad simply plays it like it is. Everyone's response when they hear my system is "It sounds so clean" This is the same description I have heard from 10+ people who I sit down and play them some of their own music or some of the tunes I like to demo with.

These speakers are however a great deal of fun, I listen to a very eclectic range of music(electronica, rock, rap, jazz, classical, etc) and everything is supremely enjoyable. The bass on these speakers has always been good, but now approaching the 6 month mark they have gone to a new level, bass is always quick clean - never overdone or uncontrolled.

I lack the adjectives and experience to properly describe the joy these speakers have brought me. I'll sum it up like this. I sit down, I put in some of my favorite music, and an uncontrollable grin spreads across my face and I just - enjoy.

I have detailed information on my auditioning process in under my system thread so check that out and feel free to e-mail me with any questions if you'd like me to give you a specific impression of some specific music let me know.

Hope this helps,

I went for the 22L...was able to get a decent deal.

I've had them for 6 months now and they really are marvellous - both in sonics and looks.

I mainly listen to acoustic jazz, whereas my wife listens to vocals and pop. The Quad handles many genres of music beautifully and is totally unfatiquing. You put on a CD and before you know it, it's playing a second time on repeat and you don't know where the time went.

Good luck...it's a crowded field out there for your dollars. The Quads are exceptional value...by no means the only speakers that fit this bill, but a definite bargain.

What electronics are you gents using please, like amp and souce if you dont mind! Thanks

I just picked up a a pair of the 21Ls for a second HT/music system using a Rotel 1055 receiver and the original rega planet for cds. I have been very impressed with the sound right out of the box. The highs are very smooth and though the bass still needs to develop further, they still give a full rich sound. I also like the fact that their center channel is on the smallish side, making it easy to place on top of my tv monitor. Listening to music on this system is very enjoyable and they do justice to HT as well with a decent sub added.
Regarding my system - I purchased the best integrated I could get in the area with my limited budget - the NADC350. I've been very happy with this amp but I feel these speakers would like more juice, someday I hope I can afford to give them the power they deserve :)

My complete system details are available under my Audiogon system info.