Are Avalon Ascents the Classics they seem to be?

I have a mint pair of Avalon Ascent seriesII in a dedicated room of 22x13x8.They are driven by Rowland 8t With a second amp housing containing a new switch mode power supply done up by Rowland.The restof the system is also of high quality'such as Levinson390s and SOTA COSMOS w/Graham 2.2 and Transfiguration temper-V.An ultramodified (by Great Northern Sound) Audio Research SP-15 preamp rounds out the system.Cables are Cardas and Transparent Audio with quality but not insanely rediculous powercords into 3 dedicated lines.Also a REL stentor (in right corner of room)rounds out the set up coming in at 24hz (with corner loading you hear the presence of the sub,but gain is set low for a nice blend that works.I have made an attempt to hear a good deal of current speakers and haven't felt that there is much out there that warrants spending the kind of money to make such a change.I have to be blown away,and although I've heard the Kharma stuff as well as the Eidolons and veritys I still can"t get too exited.I really like the Nova utopias Be and think that the TAD-1 would be killer but I really don't think my room is big enough.It is a closed in space with no venting into other rooms.The Wilson stuff don"t(to me)have the true upper mid detail that I have come to love.I know that it may seem as though I'm answering my own question,however,I know that there are some of you out there that may have the experience and rationale to help me to be sure I'm not rationalizing or deluding myself.Thanks!I also can't help but feel that the sealed box design and easy load that Avalon once marketed as well as external crossovers and the significant mass of the speaker syst. has to be a significant contribution.
I agree. I recently chose the Ascent MkII being the sole big Avalon that works well with my Fourier Pantheres. The latter ones are OTLs (delivering some 200 watts) which require a load not below 4 Ohm. I happen to have a pair Pantheres that work without problems which seems to be a rarity. These OTL`s highlight the virtues of the Ascent: effortless and glorius music making. Together with the Cello Suite, a Platine Verdier/ Naim Aro/ Vh Hul Grasshopper IV, Cardas and JPS Superconductor II I finaly have come to the end of the road. You not always need to have the latest design to get good sound. Sirspeedy thank you for the valuable information.
Hodelrecords,I think you will find the speakers to perform better with the best components you can give them.They are rediculously good,and I have a sneaky suspicion that those owners moving away from them,some time ago,would have gotten much more from them with today's best electronics.
I assume you have the grilles cut out,to expose the drivers.Also,the owner's manual is SPOT ON in terms of the descriptions of performance,and how to get the best from these "heirloom quality" beauties.I am amazed at how accurate that manual is,regarding this speaker compared to others.Time has proven that the manual's claims were not marketing hype.Also,though I like the newer stuff,it is clear that the "new Avalon designs" are completely opposite of the claims in our owner's manual,as to what is most accurate.Hmm!

In an attempt to keep my pair current with today's tweeter trends(the supposed superiority of Berrylium,or Diamond),not that I hear any deficiencies from the modded titanium drivers,we have,I am seriously considering an add on super tweeter.Like the Townshend Maximum Super Tweeter.This device does not come into play until 20khz,and is beautifully integrated sitting just above the Ascents dome.I have heard it make a significant improvement in a Sonus Faber Extrema.Yet the Extrema does not have the high frequency extension of the Ascent.I may consider the Muratas as well.Also,I have seen pictures of other Ascent owners,in Japan,running ribbon super tweeters,above the titanium dome,so maybe there's something to this.

Any thoughts?

Best of luck!
"This device does not come into play until 20khz,and is beautifully integrated sitting just above the Ascents dome."

Actually the supertweeter begins to lift the high frequency output of a linear system around 10K (note the shelving of the response in the online example, it appears that "setting 4" used in the example would make a typical system +10-+12dB at 20khz. In my opinion a nice party trick but certainly not really the benefits discussed on the website. This tweak acts to Double the output of the 23Khz resonance of your tweeter which I'm certain can be sensed if not heard. Need to know what phase your tweeter actually is because you could get cancellations too. Lastly there are many alternatives with a little DIY with a little box, .047uf capacitor and a little can-do you'd have the same thing for $400-$600. Check brands like Visaton, Aurum Cantas, RAAL, LCY...Some only go to 40khz like it matters :)

As for your experience with the tweeter The dark rich sounding Esotar (actually goes to 28khz) in the Extrema would likely tolerate this treatment much much better than your all metal dome Ascents. I can just imagine the sibilance showing up at all the wrong times.


"new Avalon designs" are completely opposite of the claims in our owner's manual,as to what is most accurate."

I've never been very impressed with the technical prowess of Avalon as their speakers are very hit and miss despite the fact they currently are all nearly the same!

Wasn't the Ascent designed by somebody outside the company or hired for the project? Because I have to agree with you that it shines above all other Avalons from its day.

If you want more midrange detail an ATC or an upper end PMC will certainly redefine your standards, just not as sexy. I can't wait for the new active Focal pro tower that is in the works if you want true 100khz design (maybe a year away), that should be awesome too.

If you like Avalons, stick with them, get some room correction stuff and play around with it if your getting a bit bored.

But that's just my opinion

THANK YOU "SO" MUCH--Cinematic systems!!I find your comments to be a real eye,I mean ear opener.You clearly have more technical knowledge than me,and I cannot tell you how much I value these recent comments.

Believe me,I don't want to make any mistakes,as quite honestly,I was planning on moving to a super tweeter just out of what I theorized "might" be an improvement.Not based on any problems I hear in my speaker,which have a wonderful sense of extension,and air.Fine timbres as well,but those DARN marketing guys tell me that I have to have a "diamond" or Beryllium,or whatever is next.I think we'll start hearing about "black diamond domes" soon.I have read about this.Maybe I can use some of my wifey's stones!

Yes,these(the Ascent,and Eclipse) were originally designed by Charles Hansen,now owner of Ayre electronics.

I have always felt these titanium domed tweeters(Modded BTW)were superb,with clearly more air than the Esotar(my friend has the Esotar,in his speakers),but maybe I have been affected by industry hype.I'm FAR from perfect!!As I'm sure you know.

Though I must admit that the Esotar used in the Sonus Faber Extremas,where I had heard(and loved)the addition of the Townshend Ribbon add ons,really benefited from the super tweets.So I did some research,and found that Sonus Faber claims the upper freq. limit to only 17khz.Mine are claimed to be ruler flat(+or- 1.5db)to 25khz.My friends felt I'd be taking a risk,and your informative thoughts certainly give me pause for real thought.

I must emphasize the fact that I don't hear any upper freq problems,in my system,as of now,but thought "maybe" I could squeak a bit more of "whatever"!Who knows?I sure don't,and I am willing to play it safe,after your educated comments.

What do ya think?

Oh yeah,and thanks in advance!!