Hi all.
I just came across this thread, by accident, and decided to add my thoughts. I am the proud owner of TDL Reference Studio Monitor M's, TDL Studio 4's, as well as IMF RSPM IV's, IMF TLS 50 II's, IMF ALS 40 b's, a couple pairs of IMF Super compacts, and several pairs of Frieds.(Model H, A3's, Model R's and several pairs of Q's. IMF was the predacessor of TDL, and Irving M Fried was the founder of IMF, who also sold speakers with the Fried Products badge.
The TDL's, IMF's and Frieds all share one thing in common. Their tremendous, deep, powerful transmition line bass, and incredible bass slam. Once you hear it, you never forget it. And once you have lived with it, it is really hard to live without it. They are all very natural sounding in the mids and highs, with great extension on the M models. The early models all benefit greatly from cap, resistor and wire upgrades, because of the type of caps available when they were designed and built. All in ll, great speakers, from a great company. By the way, they are still being built today, by AOS, i believe, in Germany. They are expensive, however, starting around $10,000 a pair. Regards to all.