Anyone Using Gradient Loudspeaker?

Moving to new house and I'm looking for a speaker that will work in a small to mid sized room near the rear wall. The Gradient line seems to fit the bill. I've only seen a few magazine reviews (all quite positive) and I'd like to get some comments from actual users.

I'm a Gradient dealer, so beware...

The designer of the Gradients, Jorma Salmi, takes the radiation pattern into account to a much greater extent than most designers do. Indeed, even dynamic dipole guru Seigfried Linkwitz tips his hat to Jorma.

Gradients tend to be uncolored, neutral and non-fatiguing over the long haul. Several models work well up against a wall, though placement near a corner is a bit more problematic.

The Revolutions in particular are somewhat demanding of associated amplification, but are very relaxing and open-sounding. Indeed, several of my Revolution customers are former planar owners. Depending on what your placement requirements (and budget) are, one of the other models might make more sense.

Best of luck with your quest!

Audio Note speakers are designed to be placed in the corners of your room. I will find out how it works when I get mine built...
Speaking of Mr. Linkwitz...I had the great pleasure to visit with him at his home in Marin CA recently and listen to some of his recordings through his Orion dipoles.

Mr. Linkwitz describes this (Orion) as the culmination of his years of research and development in the audio industry.

The speaker is modest in proportion with four drivers per side and is driven by 8 channels of amplification...essentially each driver has it's own amp. He has developed a sophisticated external crossover to integrate amplification and drivers. His system uses, and he advocates (for his system), Radio Shack speaker cable. The assembled package with speakers, amplification, crossover and speaker cables costs a whopping $6400....even less if you are handy and can build the speakers and assemble the x-over yourself.

I was not prepared for the sound these speakers/this system generated. I have owned and own some very good gear and this modest set-up was simply amazing in what it could do at it's price and I'd say many multiples of it's price.

Oh, and did I mention that the front end Mr. Linkwitz was using was a $200 universal player and a $800 preamp (he apologized for it's extravagance and made sure to point out that one could get the same results for less $$)....and ZERO tweeks!

Let's just say I learned(and un-learned) a few things that day...I'm still trying to assimilate it all and pick up the pieces.

The speakers will probably not win any beauty contests (of course this is in the eye of the beholder) but anyone in the market for world class speakers at this price, double this price, triple this price should make a stop here.

I have no affiliation with Mr. Linkwitz (he's a real nice man though) and on some level wish I had never experienced his system but this is just too good to let pass.

I'm sure the Gradients are great as well...they follow many of the same priciples...I have never heard them but find Duke's comments to always be spot on to my own experiences.

There clearly is something to the dipole done right and driven properly.
