Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA

Good Day All,

I have read a number of post with regard to these two speakers, but many are fairly old and before the Gallo's were even officially released. I am now trying to get as much input as possible on comparing these. Please not that it is between the VR4-Jr and the Gallo Reference 3 WITH THE SUBWOOFER AMP. Without considering the price difference ($4000 for VR4-Jr vs $3400 for Ref 3 and SA) and without alternative suggestions, would anyone who has been able to listen to these two please post their opinions, comments, experiences etc.

With Thanks and Regards,
The SA's are supposed to be shipping the end of this month!! I suppose we'll wait and see, but this is the first definitive commitment from Gallo i've heard
It's about the 15th I've hear :p

I gave up about 6 months ago already. I am sitting very happily wit my Revel Gems :)

Why don't you try some locally built products like Vivid?

As a South African Company I have to think that your price might be similar to the import prices of those other two brands and my experience with the Gallo and VSR, they won't be even clost to what Vivid has to offer.
I agree with jcruse. You won't be disappointed with either speaker. Since you made your choice - don't drive yourself crazy wondering, just enjoy the Gallo’s.

I think they are both in the accurate uncolored camp. As to which is more accurate – who knows. It would be a judgment call and any component in the system could add coloration that some would contribute to the speaker. So, just know they are both similar in that respect.
I listened to the JR's last week and I was floored at the soundstage and midrange for the price, these were run with Audio Research tube gear and it was a very enjoyable "you are there" experience. The only concern I had was they were like 8 feet from back wall and I dont know how the rear tweeter would work near wall, but as they were was an awesome audition