Usher CP-6381

Can I get any opinions of this speaker? The Usher line seems to be a deal but is this speaker comparable to other high end speakers?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
As a former owner of the 6381's. This speaker is VERY competitive with just about everything in its price range. What many dont know is that it is more competitive with several well respected designs that cost twice its price! Deep controlled bass and lower to upper mids that are about as good as it gets with proper placement, amplification, room set up, and associated equip. Coherence of the midrange, and a very natural, not too forward presentation are among the strong points. Great dynamics. Lacks a little warmth overall in absolute terms which can be compensated for with some high quality tube gear. I think it may sound its best with tubes, but my ARC LS25/Plinius SA250 combo drove them very nicely. I ultimatley went with a B&W 801 with Northcreek crossovers which had better punch and air on top. But in some ways the 6381 is more coherent and goes deeper with less roll off in the bass than even my 801's. do. At times I wish I had the Ushers back...but, who knows, I just sold my 801's for Electrostats! Hope this helps, Ken
Thanks for the Information on the Ushers. The 6381 has been upgraded recently. Are your speakers the newer version?

I had the orig version of the 6381's. I just put a pair of 6371's in service in my system. They are in the same room as the 6381's were. I have to admit that theses 71's integrate way better than the 81's for me on my equipment, and do not sacrifice much bass in comparison, but are not as boomy as the 81's. I would highly recommend the 71's unless you have a rather large room and even then the 71's may still be a better choice. Usher also added a 6391 with a 10" driver in the same position as the 8" of the 81's. I have not heard the 91's.

Good Listening! Ken
Hi Ken,

You put it correctly ... my 6381 are not boomy but in the beginning I had a problem, as promised by the dealer it wasn't producing as much bass, may be because of the amplification (odyssey tempest + odyssey stratos) and other components .. the room size is 22 X 25 X 10 open to kitchen. I still think 6311 and a good sub may be what my room needed .. then again I am happy with my current setup.


Hi Milind,

Yes, I remember you mentioning that. Are you still using the the Odyssey gear on your 81's? Glad your enjoying them. You may have been suprised to see that I have indeed gone back to using the Usher speakers. It was hard to let go of the 81's several months back, but it did indeed work out for the best to find the 71's. I cant believe how good the Ushers really are!

Pal, I noticed on another thread that you were going with a pair of Caravelles!. Congratulations. I was intreagued by them after hearing of all the many excellent word of mouth on these forums from those who own them. If they weren't more than just a little out of my self imposed price range, I may have thought more seriously about them. Best of luck with them! :) Ken