More on the VR4seIII

The instructions I read when I recieved mine state that if your into rock,heavy metal you need to bi-amp these speakers. I earlier asked what are people useing successfully with these speakers ,and see nowhere that users are bi-amping. I dont feel Im geting the best out of mine thus the reason for asking for help. Has anyone run a tube amp for the top, and solid state for the bottom. Im considering getting the RM 200 for the top and maybe Belles 150A HR for the bottom. Or Bel Canto for the bottom, or Halo for the bottom. See what I mean? Im not sure ,please advise if you would. Thanks Map1
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TVAD Im very interested in going in that direction to with hopefully findig a vt100 as a back up. Is it possable you could send me a way to get in touch with VAC an First Sound ? Im down here in Florida and am pretty much comming up empty on were to go, and the web sights havent really helped . Finding some of this stuff is crazy sometimes, let alone trying to listen to it first.
Hey-Only one thing left to do when you are suffering from STEREO MADNESS-sell everything, buy a boom box & start drinking heavy. Hey Mike you know I'm kidding-Call the Cable Co. or I can let you try my PS Audio P300, Perpetual Technologies, different amps & power cords.
Let me know!
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Thanks for the info Tvad, and also all the help and time. Ill get back with you when I think Ive got all of this figured out.
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