More on the VR4seIII

The instructions I read when I recieved mine state that if your into rock,heavy metal you need to bi-amp these speakers. I earlier asked what are people useing successfully with these speakers ,and see nowhere that users are bi-amping. I dont feel Im geting the best out of mine thus the reason for asking for help. Has anyone run a tube amp for the top, and solid state for the bottom. Im considering getting the RM 200 for the top and maybe Belles 150A HR for the bottom. Or Bel Canto for the bottom, or Halo for the bottom. See what I mean? Im not sure ,please advise if you would. Thanks Map1
Tvad I just bought that First Sound Pre-amp on AG Probally will go with the Vac amp as well. Ill let you know how it sounds, oh you already know dont you.
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PHI 110/110, still decideing because in that price range your talking VTL MB450, Classe CAM350 Big Bryston. See what I mean? Any recommendations?
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Its nice to know Im not the only one going through this. The ARc MK1-MKII sounds good, but heres what Ive done latley. I purchased two Bel-Canto EVO200.2,s that were entended to go into my seperate home theatre system for My AVM20. I thought I would go ahead and try them with the VR4,s first in my music room, because thats where my ultimate goal is. First I hooked up ONe Bel-CANTO in bi-wire, sounded ok but nothing special. Uhm, ok so next I bridged them, very powerfull that way up to 8oo watts short term. Sounded good but still NO magic, Uhm, then bi-amped them one for top one for bottom that way they seemed totally out of balance. Finally, last attempt with these amps. I vertically bi-amped them. Bingo, 3-demintional I finially started to realise that these speakers could really live up to all the hype. Best Ive ever heard them to date. I knew I was at least on to something. However once I took them up really loud, more than my nomal listening level I noticed that the tops took over and was loseing bass on the bottoms, so I cant live with this eather so those amps, which due sound great by the way are going to go to the home theatre room after all. But If I wasnt getting magic from these speakers with 800 wt mono blocks bi-wired and before I go out and by the big VAC amp that Im thinking Of it still seems like bi-amping is the way to go. But I think you said you got way to much bass that way. I wonder if anyone has tried to do this but with useing an outboard crossover to balance the tube top and SS bottom. Im getting alot of suggestions to use the power of the JC-1 or the big tube VAC, BUT.... if two 800wt mono blocks didnt get right Im just not understanding how one bi-wired stereo amp is going to be able to do it. Can you or anyone reading this maybe clear this up for me?
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