What`s with the Hyperion HPS 938

Last year when the 938 went on the market , one rave review followed the other ,everybody seemed to be amazed with the level of performance this 4k speaker delivered. But the last months ,more and more stories appear of people hearing the 938 and dislike them very much.
One guy bought them for 1500usd but returned them after a trial home!!!
Or Steve Rochlin and companions are deaf or there is something really strange going on.
I agree w/ you on the low fq regarding the HPS 938 vs. the Forrest. Good ears Cel.
I've listened to the 938's, mated with their pre-amp and power amp, for well over 1000 hours. They are as superb, transparent and accurate as all the reviewers attest.
I did add a James Loudspeaker EMB-1200, which greatly increased the low bass below 31 Htz.
Awesome sound!

Which Hyperion pre-amp are you using - the tube or the solid state one? I'm looking for feedback on their P25T.

I was and still am driving them with the Hyperion Sound BEC-250 amp and BEC P25 solid state pre-amp.
The sound is superb!
The Hyperion HPS 938's are truly superb!
Of course, they must be matched by equally superb equipment, and perhaps that has troubled some listeners. I drive them with the Hyperion Sound BEC-250 pre amp and BEC-P25 amp.
Without a doubt my ears, and those of my family, bear out all the rave reviews: sonic clarity, soundstaging, and wide ranging accuracy from bass to midrange to highs.
Hyperion Sound has offered the audiophile world a terrific service: Near-live performance quality is served up by a modestly priced system, allowing many more of us to enjoy the wonders of real music