Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?

Sounds like a new and innovative approach to a speaker design. The big question is, HOW DOES IT SOUND? Some interesting stuff on their website MANGER, but I'm curious to know the impressions of people who have actually heard one...I didn't make it to the CES this year.
For clarity sake I think its important to note that I don't disagree with what Duke is stating other than how he is applying these theories to the subject as all encompassing explanations which is the only area I disagree. The deviation from ideal is where my point is defined, In the vacuum of the theorethical conditions Duke is correct as we know psychacoustics today.

The comment about the scale of image for example, the comment about "not being setup right" means that no fullrange Dipole system I have ever heard has been setup correctly. Because A dipole's cancellation isolates the rear wave into a distinct channel and this channel is always going to behave ideally which Duke's argeument hinges on. And its affect although pleasing still represents signal distortion as do reflections from other areas as you will find in all speakers. The inherent decoding problem of only using two speakers is another factor in this discussion and it is too complex to explain in short points. I have no motivation to write the 5000 words minimum to explain my position, only to have it picked apart for the sake of saying one's opinion about the clarity of a speaker.

Thanks for letting me know that we aren't nearly as far apart as I had thought. I have many questions (in the interest of learning rather than debating), but as you pointed out earlier this is a Manger thread.

To Fatparrot: Looks like I pretty much ended up hijacking your thread. My apologies; I'll bow out now.

I have listened to the Manger driver for approximately 2 hours/day for the last 7 years. I have also listened to a pair of ESL's extensively for the past year. To my mind the ESL's beat the Mangers in most areas. Of course the drawbacks to the ESL's are low SPL in lower frequencies and maintenance requirements and longetivity. However, for higher output the Mangers are excellent drivers if configured appropriately. But beware, this thread contains an disproportionate amount BS. I suggest you spend the money, buy the Manger and build yourself something. This will tell you a lot more than this useless thread can do.

I have been a Manger Zerobox 103 from quite some time now, all I can say about this speaker is WOW!!! have been in this hobby from the past 3.5Years with 4 Speaker changes but this one is Special.

They have a tone that is unmatched resolves quick with every detail in the recording its a speaker that does very little to the music a pleasure to listen to eveytime.

I have it hooked up with a tube amp a very unique one in the way its made, its a Hybrid 4 845 in Parallel Single Ended mode 50-Watts Class A and 200 Watts Class AB. Cadence Canasya 845.

The most interesting manger I have yet seen is called the Accupulse.

The site is a must see for any manger fan.

Best Regards,
