PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?

I'm coming to realize the next step up the sonic food chain might be more capable speakers then my CDM 9NT's. The Natilus range (804/802) might be the ticket... I've always used B&W's, but have an itch for something different too. Looking at the numbers of the PMC FB1+, seems to tell me their range is amazing - much broader then the 9nt's. I know specs don't tell the whole story so I thought I'd see if anyone with any first hand comparision of these brands might shed some light. What would be considered a better speaker in PMC's line the the smaller Natilus floorstanders?
Jazz and rock on vinyl is what I listen to mostly.
I own PMB IB2's and LB1's and drive them with Bryston amps. Before I bought the PMC, I did listen to many different B&W's. IMHO, the PMC is a far better speaker. In particular the PMC's excel at low end extention, imaging (they dissappear) and dynamic range. I found the B&W more veiled and constrained.

PMC speakers partner really well with Bryston amps.
I've listened to both.
Dicided the clerar choice for me was Proac One SC's
Great sound stage and the best most accurate dynamic range.
Don't buy what people say about a lack of bass.I tried mine with a Rel strata III.The was NO need for the sub....
Scottr gives good suggestions. PMC speakers do sound great with Bryston electronics. It's a matter of preference which is better but I would prefer the clean and uncoloured presentation of the PMC's over the B&W's.