D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?

Owner/Designer Dean Deacon of D-Sonic in Houston in recent months dropped using the B&O ICE amps which he now only uses in the surround channels of his multi-channel home theater amps. He now uses a new Class-D amp in all of his Magnum2 mono and two channel amps which he states is the most technically advanced Class-D amp on the market, called the SOA Class-D core amps. The recent review in 6Moons of his new M2-1500M amp concludes its the closest that Class-D has ever come to tube amps in the upper mid-range and high frequencies.
Anyone bought or heard recently the D-Sonic M2-1500M or the M2-600M? What are your opinions?
Here he goes again or should I say he does not hear!

"as well as the very innovative in house switching designs by DAT and their Cherry Ultra mono amps, Arion Audio, Nuforce and their Reference 18's, the DS450M from Audio Research which has the second largest power supply in the world for a Class D amp,"

First I would like to point out it is "DAC" and not "DAT" and it is "Ultra Cherry". But hey, you have never ever actual heard them so why should you care.

Well the difference is I HAVE!!

I, unlike you, have heard the Cherry amps, the Arion amps, the NuForce amps, the ARC amps, the Spectron amps, oh wait you forgot those did you not, and many more! What, these are supposed to be NEW designs. Well the Arions are not that new, the Cherry not so much, and the NuForce, ah, not so much too.

I love how your SCREAM of the high price of the Veritas but make no such mention of the high price of the ARC and we all know the coming monos from Jeff Rowland will be pricey.

And REALLY, BINDING POSTS. And of a brand and type that has won high praise for the design and PERFORMANCE. It must have been a kick in the teeth when you fond out that EVEN A BLIND MAN had NO PROBLEM with THEM.

Now back to the fact that I have actual heard those amps.

All of them are very fine designs however the ARC IMO has the worst sound of the bunch. I can hear the "Class D sound". I was very disappointed because I like ARC and thought it was going to be my next amp. Oh wait these are the ones that, I quote you "Audio Research which has the second largest power supply in the world for a Class D amp,". When are you and others stop with the "if it is bigger, has more in it, is complex design, etc, then it HAS TO BE BETTER BS! Sometimes less and simple SOUNDS BETTER, PERIOD!

I must say I was also very disappointed in the NuForce. I found it to be veiled. And also truncated in the highs.

The Arions are not bad for the money but again there is some limits on the sound.

The Cherry almost gets there. In fact I think many people would find something to like.

The Spectron, as a mono block only with the options, beats them all. It really does a fine job. But then we are around $12,000 so it better beat them all.

But it in no way, shape or form beats the Veritas or the Mola-Mola. I have not heard the Atsah yet.

Please keep in mind I have heard all of these against each other at times, in my system at times and in friends systems at times. Some more then once against each other.

I agree with Guido. And you can do better, you just need to spend a lot more or get a big, hot, heavy, eats electric, more expensive, Class A Pass Labs XA200.5 mono blocks.




Chill out Bro..you need to put out the fire under your butt. Jealous? How absurd. I don't buy into anymore the audio snobbery that reviewers continue to perpetuate that you have to spend gobs of money to get the best performance
from an amplifier. That was true ten years ago but not today. Six months ago I had an extended conversation with Brandon at Rowland regarding Jeff using Pascal exclusively in his mono and integrrated amps. Rowland has indeed evaluated and tested different Class D amps including Ncore and chose Pascal. As I said, if you want to spend $12K for a pair of mono amps with a 22 lb. aluminium chassis with five lbs. of electronics in each, I have some swamp land in Puerto Rico I can sell you. Bruno is not the Messiah of Class D as many of his cult followers claims he is, who ignore the advancements of other Class D engineers who are on equal ground with Putzeys and have advanced further ahead as well.



Know it all who thinks he knows it all=you


Now substitute "Audiozen" were "you" are above. Wow, it really takes a BIG head to think you are a ZEN to us mere audiophools.

"swamp land in Puerto Rico" Really, again really were do you get your absurdity and no that was not a question.

Uhrn... Audiozen, 'fore some further confusion is genrated... Fact is that Rowland is not using Pascal in any native mono amps at all at all at all. Conversely, Rowland has incorporated Pascal technology in one bridgeable amp the M525 ($4.5K), and in one integrated: the Continuum S2 ($9K). Hope you get one of them... I heard rumors that they sound very nice.
I was referring to Rowland's current Class D amps only and the info provided by Brandon. Previous Rowland Class D amps using B&O ICE are out of production. Rowland currently only has three Class D models in production. The 525 and the 125 that are stereo Class D amps and the Continuum S2 integrated all using Pascal power modules.