A driver has both a mechanical suspension and thermal losses. Until you can overcome the majority of losses in both of those areas via increased drive levels, the driver itself won't be running in the region where it has the greatest linearity. At the same time, driving the speaker harder will eventually go beyond the sweet spot of operation, causing dynamic compression due to saturation of the mechanical suspension and / or thermal losses.
In effect, a driver is no different than any other type of device. They all have a region where they operate most linearly. Above and below that, they still work, just not as linearly. This is why various speakers sound better at certain spl levels i.e. don't come alive until cranked up or sound worse as they are driven harder. Bass alignment also comes into play here as a higher Q design will sound "fuller" at lower volumes, but becomes bloated and tubby as drive levels are increased. This is why speakers are the most specialized component in the system i.e. they vary the most in terms of room interaction / placement, listening style ( spl ranges, seated listening position, etc.. ) and personal preferences in terms of tonal balance, transient response, etc.. Sean
In effect, a driver is no different than any other type of device. They all have a region where they operate most linearly. Above and below that, they still work, just not as linearly. This is why various speakers sound better at certain spl levels i.e. don't come alive until cranked up or sound worse as they are driven harder. Bass alignment also comes into play here as a higher Q design will sound "fuller" at lower volumes, but becomes bloated and tubby as drive levels are increased. This is why speakers are the most specialized component in the system i.e. they vary the most in terms of room interaction / placement, listening style ( spl ranges, seated listening position, etc.. ) and personal preferences in terms of tonal balance, transient response, etc.. Sean