Remedy for Spendor sub 60Hz deficiency?

Greetings forum,

Recently I've come to the realization that, while I love my 2/3s' for everything else (except perhaps "soundstage" or "imaging"), the bass just ain't there. I know I can't get a better speaker for the money I paid for these used, and in order to boost bass, I'd have to move them closer to the wall or possibly find some shorter stands (currently at 21").

Amp=Musical Fidelity A3 integrated; CD=Arcam Alpha 9 or Sony SACD/DVD 555ES; Analog=VPI HW 19 w/Benz Micro M2; CD interconnect=DH Labs air dielectrics;speaker cable=homemade 8 AWG into each terminal

Any suggestions welcome.

I'd look at a good used sub like M&K,VMPS,HSU and Rocket. Unfortunately physics are physics and you need to deal with it. For 500 used you can get a decent sub.
Your speakers are rated 60-20KHz plus or minus 3dB, which means they are probably already down 3dB at 60Hz and roll off quickly below that.

In a nutshell there is no practical way you can get lower bass out of these speakers. An equalizer could be used to boost the bass but you would surely drive them beyond what they were designed for and would not be pleased with the quality of the bass you get.

You need a sub or different speakers if you want to go lower than 60Hz.

The 2/3s are a pretty large bookshelf speaker w/ an 8" woofer. My experience was that they sounded considerably deeper than their 60 hz. rating, which I thought conservative, and had considerable energy below 60 hz. However, that was in a relatively small room. I believe an 18" stand is most common with these, though some may differ. Also, I think you can use these relatively close to the wall, since they are front ported. You might try either/both of these changes to see if it makes a difference. However, if you are in a large room, you probably will need a sub. I'm a big fan of the Spendors.

Von Schwiekert vs-1 sub.Works great with my Spendor FL-6.
Similar frq response to yours except they are floor standers.Actually my combo sounds equal to the S9's imho.Really helps with a 300 watt amp in the sub .That way you don't have to jack up the main unit volumne to get a decent bass response.
Also worked great with 3/5's.

Peterd, would you mind commenting further on the sound of the V/S sub with the 3/5s? It sounds like they integrated pretty well? I have gone back to 3/5s and love the sound but of course would like a little more bass response. Thanks,