Your choice for SET amp?

If you could choose Von Schweikert DB99 with the ribbon tweeter upgrade or Avantgarde Duo 3.1 for the same price to mate with a pair of Lamm ML2 which one would you take.

I am looking for the right speakers in my system which is EMM Labs front end and Lamm ML2. Any advice or first hand experience would be great....Thanks
Jeffrey, I believe if you read the post he states twice that he has Lamm ML2 power amps, about 20 watts.

I've heard both (own duos) and I don't think there is any contest. Although not needed to drive them to full volume, the extra power will really make the duos open up. Properly set up they will beat the pants off the dB99.
I agree with Herman. Your digital front end and those amps are top shelf, world class stuff. My opinion is that, as good as the dB-99s are, set up properly and mated with those incredible Lamms, the Duos will leave the dB 99s in their wake. More dynamic, more realism, more impact and "you are thereness." I think that combo would be killer!