Bose 901

Hi folks, what is your opinion about the Bose 901? Can it competes with the high end speakers which are frequently mentioned here, like Wilson, Thiel, Revel, B&W, etc.? Please try to be objective and try not to be driven by some prejudice towards the marque.
Camino, the garage is a perfect place for your 901s. Actually, I always thought that any kind of public address environment (churches, music stores) was a great use for them. So if you love your 901s then don't let them die. Get new surrounds put on those drivers and they'll live for another 50 years! BTW, the new neoprene surrounds (not available at the time 901s were manufactured) are not susceptable to temperature extremes and rot. Shouldn't cost more than 5 bucks a driver. Well worth it IMO
Detail Thats what Bose lacks. Thats why you can listen to a pore quatity sorce material and it sounds okay. As soon as you put a great detailed speaker like B&W in the system you can hear the recording. good or bad. I like knowing I'm getting everything out of the recording, even the flaws. I can hear fingers on strings and hear the breath of the artist when inhale. on a great recording it can be magic. I hope this helps you. If your still in to old speakers. Give the AR3A's a listen. This was the rival to the Bose back then. Note. I bought the AR3A in 1974 Okinawa Japan USAF Don
Multiple drivers designed to replicate any portion of the audio band in a single box in ANY speaker design, not just Bose, just smear the harmonic content of the signal they're fed. This just screws up the timbre and is funadamentally inaccurate.

Plain and simple. The Emperor has no clothes.
I heard a demo of the 901 system when I was near Boston in the summer - hats off to the guys from Bose who really know how to make their stuff sound good in their demo rooms. I wanted to see how they demonstrated the product and how they had set up their room - it was very impressive indeed.

That said, there was a lot of information missing and no, it won't compete with the original brands mentioned. **Provided they are set up at least half as well as the buys from Bose do it**

Obviously if you buy the 901 and take it home to set up in your living room on your own, things may be very different.
Stevecham...Not true. Closely spaced drivers behave like one big driver except at very close range. The best example is the line array configuration, which may include a dozen drivers.