Audiozen, or should I call you the Czar, I am sure the Marten M Amps sound great, Oh wait I never heard them yet so now I am talking like you. OK, what I mean is I expect them to perform well, and they should at 45,000 a pair regardless the brand. I respect the Marten brand.
As far as the Veritas it is VERY obvious that you have a real bad case of AGENDA.
Merrill is not the only OEM that does not want others to know what they have done to their product or allow inside shots.
And I can assure you it is not just the a case and the two stock modules and nothing else done.
Do not ask me as I do not know the details. But I do know there is more to it.
You mention how the Marten is so heavy and infer that the Veritas is not and so because of that it is inferior. But then by that would not the D-Sonic be so.
Again you want your cake and eat too.
Look, in the world of Audiophile you can not always compare apples to apples anymore.
I think it is most telling that you make most of these statements as fact or as first hand experience but in almost all the cases you have NOT actually heard what ever you praise or put dawn.
Sorry but you can not hear specifications and technology on paper. Too many times the best on paper did not sound the best upon actually hearing it. It still must convey the emotion of the music.
Lets call a truce. You make no more disparaging remarks about the Veritas or Father, oops, Pope Guido and I. I will then have no reason to correct your statements.
But seriously lets try and move on from here, OK.
As far as the Veritas it is VERY obvious that you have a real bad case of AGENDA.
Merrill is not the only OEM that does not want others to know what they have done to their product or allow inside shots.
And I can assure you it is not just the a case and the two stock modules and nothing else done.
Do not ask me as I do not know the details. But I do know there is more to it.
You mention how the Marten is so heavy and infer that the Veritas is not and so because of that it is inferior. But then by that would not the D-Sonic be so.
Again you want your cake and eat too.
Look, in the world of Audiophile you can not always compare apples to apples anymore.
I think it is most telling that you make most of these statements as fact or as first hand experience but in almost all the cases you have NOT actually heard what ever you praise or put dawn.
Sorry but you can not hear specifications and technology on paper. Too many times the best on paper did not sound the best upon actually hearing it. It still must convey the emotion of the music.
Lets call a truce. You make no more disparaging remarks about the Veritas or Father, oops, Pope Guido and I. I will then have no reason to correct your statements.
But seriously lets try and move on from here, OK.