Best Speakers to Audition in the $5-10k range?

I am looking to audition some speakers that are not massive in size with a large sound stage and lots of air that are fairly detailed in the $5-10k range that will sound good off of an Ayre V-3 amp and Krell Showcase Pre/Pro. They will be used for 90% home theater. Any suggestions?
I sold my Paradigm Signature S-8 speakers because, in my room, I could not live with the harshness. The replacements, Vandersteen 3a Signatures have all the detail (and more)of the S-8, but without the harshness. Since I listen for the music, a fancy cabinet may look cool, but I'd rather get the bang for the buck sound improvement.

(associated compoments: McIntosh C22, MC275, MR71, Rega Planet 2K, Music Hall MMF-7)

Bottom line: NEVER go by what reviewers say, but your own ears!! Like finger prints, no 2 pairs of ears have the exact same "response".

One last thing: Phase and time alignment are very important speaker design parameters and should not be overlooked.

As far as Di-poles being bad as was mentioned above, thats a load of BS, it is all up to your taste, I have Innersounds Eros up front and BW di-poles for middle in di-pole and a pair in mono-pole in back, di-poles are awesome for the long side wall! Also as they run out of phase in nature they are easy to foget where they are and thats very important for HT
Kmiller5, IMHO if you're using your speaker for 90% home theater, most planar speakers may not be the best choice. I used to own many highend planar speakers (Maggies, Apogees, and stats). The problem with most planars are limitd dispersion, lack of macrodynamics, and difficulty in room placement because they need ample room from the walls to sound right. If you're planning to use a subwoofer, then you'll run into problems with integration.

I would recommend dynamic speakers with very good dispersion with relatively small foot print, and perhaps Martin Logan system. For HT application, you need 5 speakers with a sub. So I'm assuming, your range includes all 6. You want airy speakers, I would consider Thiel (3.6 used as front L and R channel, very detailed but it may be a little more experimeting to get the airiness you seek), Definitive Technology (under $5K, very airy but not the most detailed and slightly veiled), Martin Logan system (very airy and detailed but will require more room, smaller sweet spot, and some lack of integration between the ultrafast electrostat panel and woofer). I would also consider Von Schweikert system (VR4jrs as front L/R channels, very dynamic and airy with the right amplification - DK design group amplification comes to mind). I recommend these systems because the above manufacturers have consciously produced an integrate HT lineup, so the speakers will integrate well.

There are better sounding speakers in your price range for a 2 channel only setup, but getting proper integration may be a problem and will require much more work on your part. Hope this helps.


1. It's a real simple fundamental problem that I can't seem to get anyone to answer about Dipoles, What are you going to do with all those back wall reflections? How do you adjust the levels and phase for that? And lets clarify Dipoles aren't bad speakers they are the wrong speakers for this application. As would a Fostex based single driver "not ideal." So why recommend them?

Plus the Ayre V3 can run out of steam on Magneplanar Mg1.6's, so what dipole speaker did you have in mind?

2. "di-poles are awesome for the long side wall! Also as they run out of phase in nature they are easy to foget where they are and thats very important for HT"

Only if you use THX which almost no one does anymore. If the soundtrack is mixed on monopoles than I think you would want monopoles for rears.? Or if you can argue otherwise let me know. I think they have mixing/playback standards for a reason.

People haven't used Dipoles for rears on a regular basis since the mid 1990's, do you know why? I don't know why? :)

3. "As far as Di-poles being bad as was mentioned above, thats a load of BS, it is all up to your taste."

This is true, the part of it being you're own decision. If you want to do it wrong from the start it is a America. I've built a great deal of Ikea furniture in my day and when i didn't follow the directions most of the time I was ok, but every once in a while....ooops! Want to find an ooops on a $5K-$10K investment?

In the end

If you believe suiting yourself is to be placed above the artists intent than colorize your sound and system to any fashion you want! The idea is to enjoy your system.

But recommending it to someone else is a whole other story. You have to understand what your system is, and how it fits into the grand scheme of things.

If you wish to be true to the artist than you should make the system so that it does not alter their art or minimize the distortion your system imposes on the presentation. And this means following the rules to a great degree.

What are you going to do next month when "Minimalistic" is a pair of fully active Maggie MG1's with custom 15" JBL Subwoofers, Roksan/Ear864/MicroBenz analog. Gonna want your input!