Thanks for your interest.
My digital front end is made up of a North Star dac. with a matching transport. They are connected with a special made silver I2S cable. My analog front end is an Origin Live table and arm with Shelter cartridge.My Phonostage is a P S Audio.
My pre is the Wyred 4 Sound STP SE. All are connected with Condure balanced interconnects. The speakers are Danish made Dantax Albatross 8. Each have front and rear firing Scanspeak tweeters, a 6.5"Seas mid & two 8.5 Seas woofers The speaker cables are Clear Day Double Shotgun.
My first system was a pair of Dynaco St70 that I built mated with a pair of Snell C speakers. That was about thirty years ago. Even today my buddies tell me that was the best sound I ever had in my home.I have gone through many system changes since then. Macintosh,Classe,Spectral are just a few of the amps I have used.A few years ago I jumped on the Class 'D' train. I started with a pair of Bel Canto 300Ms. I moved on to a pair of Ref500Ms. I liked what I was hearing, but something was missing.They had a good low end and a nice top end, but somehow seemed disconnected. The first thing I noticed with the D-Sonic was how how balanced they were from top to bottom.As far the soundstage I feel like I am sitting in a huge bubble of sound. They do sound a little dry right now. but they are playing 24/7 with cable radio to break in.