Tyler Acoustics Super Towers

Anyone have experience with the new super towers by Tyler Acoustics? Thanks in advance for any info.
Nu2Tube -
I couldn't have said it better myself. :-)

Dumboat - I own the Linbrook Signatures (1 piece) I love these things. I was also a bit aprehensive to buy speakers without ever hearing them. I was kind of afraid when I first got them I thought I'd made a mistake, and I would be returning them. But, as they broke in, I would litterally sit and listen with my mouth hanging open, in amazment at how excellent they sound. You'll have to pry them from my cold dead hands to get them away from me now! :-) Especially for the money - they are a true bargain. These, by a LARGE margin, out class the B&W Matrix 801 S3, they replaced - and I really like the 801's.

ALL the things that Nu2tube said - DITTO in spades! Fear not - Ty is a class act - he will not leave you hanging.

Good Luck
I own the first set of Super Towers that Ty made. In fact my call to him telling him what I wanted prompted him to build that speaker. I also have the Super Center which is a sight to behold. It weighs 95lbs. They will probably be the last speakers I will need to buy for many years. I drove to Owensboro Ky. and picked up the speakers myself and had the chance to meet and talk with Ty. He is a real treat in person. One great person to deal with. I highly recommend his speakers.
Gene Thomas
Tyler Acoustics product had put my speaker searching to a stop. I came across a pair of Taylor Ref Monitors which gave me great impression. With in the same year, I upgraded to a pair of Linbrook Ref Monitors which are just as good as every ones opinion below. It has been over 5 years and they are getting much better regardless what I driving them with up the line within all these years. Recently I had finaled on my pre and amps and moved into a bigger listening room, also added the Linbrook bass modules. They showed up in a week with great craftsmanship's quality detailed cabinets just as good
as the monitors. I can't wait to write this review for just a couple of days of listening. Acoustically, they perfectly fit with the monitors with unbelievable bass extention that I don't need the sub around for just in case. needless to say, the sound stage and imaging are greatly increased comparing with just the monitors that I can stand any where in the 20x19x12 room and be able to spot the singer and the instruments. Sound quality is natural and clear as usual; in one incident, my wife told me to hush up and see if I can pick up the foot dumping sound of the acoustic guitar player, (I wouldn't sure, but it may be a good thing in all aspect:)) Well, shell I say my sound system is complete or what! Again, costumer service is job number ONE!

Up the line:
Philips 963Sa Moded
Pass Labs X1
Pass Labs X350
audiophile graded interconnects, speaker cables, power cables, and power conditioner. Isolated 30 amp breaker with 10 gage pure copper lines to isolated wall socket and ground to its own ground rod. Hehe. (I though this may help when I ran the wirings in the house when it was built.)
Sorry to introduce a new subject, but has anyone heard the even newer pro dynamic range with compression horns. I spoke to Ty who was very helpful of course, about a speaker to match my 18 watt SET. He put me onto this range, I would appreciate a little feedback before jumping in, as I live in the UK and can't easily avail myself of his return policy. Thanks
I have had my super towers for 7 months now and they are great. All of the superlatives heard about the Tyler line is absolutely true. This is the third pair of Tyler speakers I have purchased, I have owned Tyler speakers for over 5 years and last summer traded a pair of Linbrook Monitors for the Super Towers and I can not say enough about build quality and sound. I still go out to the local Stereo shops to listen. I must say not much out there to compare with these and if there is the price is 3 to 4 times greater. Take a chance and try the Tyler line, Ty will do what ever he can to make it work for you.