Daedalus Audio DA-1

I searched A'gon and could only find one member's review...no discussions about this speaker.

From what I read on the web, this speaker sounds different and my not be everyone's cup-o-tea. They supposedly are more of a "live venue" sound than a speakers that performs according to the traditional audiophile checklist.

Does anyone else have these...Has anyone heard them?

If so, what are your thoughts, what was the system that they were with & what other speakers did you compare them with?

Any experience that you can share would be appreciated.

Mfr's Website:http://www.daedalusaudio.com/index.html

Review http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue20/daedalusda1.htm
I heard them at the RMAF 2005 and found them to be excellent in every respect. I don't know about an "audiophile checklist" but I can tell you that whenever I wanted to hear a natural sound that was relaxed and fully at ease, I went back to this room. I don't have any checklist, I just know what I like in a speaker ... naturalness and truth to the musical flow.
Since posting that in August, I went and listened to them and shortly after, I bought'm. They have quite a way to go in the break-in process. So far, I am very pleased.

What did they use as a source, amplification and cables for the show demo?

Thanks for chiming in.
I recall Parasound Halo C-2 AV controller and Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblock amplifiers were used at RMAF.
I'm very intrigued. Looking over the website I see speakers with an absolutely lovely real wood finish and an interesting design philosophy. Barrelchief, how is the break in going? I'd really appreciate a review if you have the time to write one. Thanks!