Wilson Sophia

I have been looking at stepping up from my B&W 704s and heard the 802Ds, the Naut 802s and the Wilson Sophias. I was all set to spend the 4500 on a pair of used 802s but then I heard the Wilsons. All I can say is that the Wilsons absolutely spoke to me. My problem is that this is a huge investment for me and I think that I must be crazy to even be thinking about this purchase. Even more so, because I live in an apartment building and cannot "crank up" my system to massive volume levels.

My question is-am I going to be able to truly appreciate these speakers with my McIntosh MA 6500 integrated and my Lector CD player? There is not going to be any money in my budget to even consider other changes for a long time. Wilson's were set up with mid level Naim gear.

Are there any risks with buying the units off the floor if I can get a deal?

As always thanks for your input.

I guess this locking on will take a while for me 2. When seated and turning my head a bit the soundstage becomes disjointed. That never happened with the Merlins. This may be a non audiophile description but it's like I'm in a bubble;I turn my head a tiny bit; bubble gone. I also think the Merlins dssapear better.(I guess that's the same thing)--But overall that ends "advantage Merlin". It's like I'm hearing 2x's as much music.---If Bobby could ever fit a woofer in one of his speakers and not loose anything along the way---.
in case you haven't noticed, there is a NICE follow-up review on the Sophias in this month's issue of the Stereophile by Paul Bolin.

I gotta go listen to them again this weekend before I get my heart broken ;-)
Just thinking about pulling the trigger on some wilson kit, I already have Krell, but only a tiny showcase to run my HT set-up. I know a lot of people think the Krell / Wilson sounds too fierce, but then don't consider the front end. I have the Meridian 861 v4.2 which tends to be very smooth. Would this tame the fierceness or should I really be looking at BAT / LAMM /Audio research.

Trouble with this is I want to enclose the power amps in a cupboard (open at the back) and I see lots of problems trying to enclose tubes........

I have owned tubes before and liked it, but it is dynamics I like the most. I appreciate the "people have already made up their mind before they post" concept ....... anyone use other SS gear with Wilson and smoother front ends? Would Levinson / Pass / Halcro help?
Hi all Sophias fans,

anyone one heard Sophias driven by PAss Labs X250.5 or X350.5?

Will they be a good match?

Many Thanks!
I suppose the only way for me to answer this question is to listen back to back, but I'll ask anyway - opinions on WP7 versus Sophia - is the step up worth it?